JPython Projects
Here you will be gathered all my projects that I will create with the Python programming language. From basic to advanced level programs.
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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Click event testing, where each click changes the background color of the Tkinter GUI.
About This project involves a two-step authentication system (2FA) using Flask for the backend and Vue.js with Bootstrap for the frontend. The project also includes functionality to generate reports in Word format.
(PT-BR) Trabalho Prático Final da disciplina Análise de Algoritmo, UNIBH, 7 periodo. (ENG) Final Practical Work on the subject Algorithm Analysis, UNIBH, 7th period.
SeriaLuz is a Python application for serial communication and data monitoring with support for real-time graphs and advanced settings. The application uses Tkinter for the graphical interface and Matplotlib for real-time plotting.
Simple User registration form using the Tkinter GUI.
JPython Projects's Repositories
About This project involves a two-step authentication system (2FA) using Flask for the backend and Vue.js with Bootstrap for the frontend. The project also includes functionality to generate reports in Word format.
(PT-BR) Trabalho Prático Final da disciplina Análise de Algoritmo, UNIBH, 7 periodo. (ENG) Final Practical Work on the subject Algorithm Analysis, UNIBH, 7th period.
SeriaLuz is a Python application for serial communication and data monitoring with support for real-time graphs and advanced settings. The application uses Tkinter for the graphical interface and Matplotlib for real-time plotting.
Simple User registration form using the Tkinter GUI.
Click event testing, where each click changes the background color of the Tkinter GUI.