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my dockerfiles


This repository contains scripts to setup a dev-ops environment based on freeipa and docker/singularity. It targets a small cluster of computer nodes, though a single node works fine. The env contains a management node and a number of computing nodes. (The management node works as a computer node in a single node env. )

The management node provides services of networking/storage, user authentication, job-distribution and etc. And the computing nodes provide the computing resource based on docker/podman. singularity or podman is preferred as it doesn't required the privilege permission on host. The container jobs can be distributed to cluster with a batch execution program e.g. slurm, or through a ci/cd program, e.g. jenkins. users use the pipeline tools e.g. nextflow or snakemake to orchestrate the workload as containers jobs running cluster.

The usage scenario is as below,

  1. user has job in script, and wrap around the job into a pipeline
  2. the pipeline can be decorated to run inside containers, and the container can be created from cluster pool machine.
  3. track the pipeline execution from jenkins which have a gui, and provides ci/ci, or through the cluster interface, or through pipeline monitor ui.

the common flow is as below, and they have been deployed for different purpose,

  • concept, docker/podman/singularity -> snakemake/nextflow pipeline -> slurm -> jenkins (ui, ci/cd) -> cluster.
  • for services, services are run as docker containers and have privilege permission. (ipa, jenkins, marioDB/mysql, gitea)
  • for batch task, run snakemake pipeline on singularity with conda on slurm snakemake --with=singularity --with-conda --config slurm
  • for user standalone job, suggesting to change from nextflow to snakemake as well after it has fully engaged. currently, nextflow --with-podman --with-conda
  • user environment is maintained through environment modules.

the below is the key software/technology being used, and ubuntu 20.04 is used as the base OS for both management node and computing nodes. (other linux should works but not tested; clearlinux is a good candidate which provides more performance, and server-friendly features: e.g. controlled os update/mixer, reference setup of software stack; iPXE; and much more)

  • linux/lvm2/nfs
  • docker-compose for mysql/gitea/jenkins/freeipa/slurm
  • podman/docker/singularity run on computing nodes


Dockerfiles below are used to generate local maintained container images, if image with similar functionality available from public docker image registry, the local image could be replaced to ease the environment maintaining effort.

  • centosDockerfile: this container run on terminal servers. it mounts the data-volume and creates vnc for user to connect. it is selected if a user dont like the default vnc-server on the terminal server directly, or a user want to mounts the persistent-volumes of proj-data and tools to specific directories. Users can create container using podman, and connect into it through vnc. Alternatively, a user could start vnc service on terminal server directly if the default work env works for them (such as gui, default soft).
    bash docker run --volume /data:/data:rw -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -it centos7 bash

  • users access computing resources through terminal services Terminal servers in intranet are just normal worknode. While terminal servers to be connected from internet are DMZ computers. They have two network interfaces, with one connected with cluster and another open to outside. users from outside of intranet can only connect to DMZ servers which have firewall/port-forwarding enforced e.g.

    • external nic has public ip and domain name, and user connected to these external nic
    • vpn supported through wireguard, which has its own subnet
    • user connections are forwarded to internal nic e.g. access vnc-server run on cluster from wireguard nic controlled by iptables.
  • freeipaDockerfile: (official freeipa/freeipa-server:centos-8 works, thus the local dockerfile is retired. docker is preferred instead of vagrant) I got its dns conflict with ubuntu host, thus dns is not in includedt. for official docker image see dockerhub freeipa/freeipa-server:centos-? and https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa-container.

    • freeipa provides directory/authentication service,
    • vagrant uses libvirt which save the vm images at /var/lib/libvirt/images/
    • vagrant steps
      #do below step after install vagrant and pull some vagrant box, ref to 
      useradd -aG libvirt && su -
      mkdir freeipa && cd freeipa
      vagrant init
      #change Vagrantfile and add 'config.vm.network :public_network, :dev=>"virbr0", :mode=>"bridge", :type=>"bridge"'
      #change Vagrantfile content takes effect for new vm, for vm being created, it need destroy and recreate
      vagrant destroy && vagrant init && vagrant up && vagrant ssh  
      #install freeipa, ref to
  • jenkinsDockerfile: (official images works and configured through docker-compose file). (start
    provide jenkins service; jenkins can use docker daemon at a node thus can distribute workload to cluster. Jenkins also supports distribute workload with ssh (ssh agent).

      docker run -d \
     -v <your_jenkins_home_in_host>:/var/jenkins_home \
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/bin/docker \
     -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 \
     --name <my_jenkins> jenkins/jenkins:lts

    (In my cluster, nextflow is used as the main pipeline while jenkins is used for ci management, e.g, cron, version, rundir, artifactory, report. nextflow's local executor supports wrapping the pipeline process into container, e.g. docker, podman. jenkins' docker plugin is not used. jenkins' SSH agent is used so that jenkins can distribute workload to multiple worknodes.)

  • mysqlDockerfile mysql is required by gitea see: https://github.com/docker-library/mysql/tree/master/8.0

  • giteaDockerfile gitea see: https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/install-with-docker/ gitea backup/restore see: https://gist.github.com/sinbad/4bb771b916fa8facaf340af3fc49ee43 also ref https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/master/docker currently https protocol is used for git operation. ssh protocol is not supported.

using podman for non-privilege user

master node has the pre-installed tools exports to work nodes with nfs. when a user wants extra tool or need different work enviornment, e.g. centos (all nodes are ubuntu20.04), they could create rootless container with podman, which supporst rootless container which is non-privilege. it specifies the image location as below, and image location must be host disk instead of nfs. otherwise container/images are under user's home.

  driver = "overlay"
  runroot = "/mnt/backup/"   #should be a different dir than graphroot??
  graphroot = "/mnt/backup/" 
  rootless_storage_path = "/mnt/backup/"
  • skopeo can used to inspect the image, manipunate its storage

dnsmasq: to support dhcp and pxe and automatically deploy the computing node (-tbd-)

(it is desired to wake up the backup server; start it with hosted image e.g. run a backup and log a report; and then power-off/suspend the server). keep the below as reference, but not implemented in my experiment. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38816077/run-dnsmasq-as-dhcp-server-from-inside-a-docker-container pxe env build: https://netboot.xyz/selfhosting/ pxe selfhost container: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-netbootxyz pxe w/ dhcp: https://github.com/samdbmg/dhcp-netboot.xyz https://github.com/kmanna/docker-nat-router


  1. master node setup see: host_setup.md
  • tools installed on host
    • docker install w/ docker-volumn plugin
    • podman
    • site tools
    • conda
    • nfs exportfs
  • docker_compose file
    • docker compose can start as daemon, the generated image has special signiture so that it doesn't rebuild the image each time.
  1. compute node setup,
  • docker/podman install w/ nfs volume
  • nextflow local job is dispatched with nextflow pipeline (could use podman rootless) on the node. (or docker swarm to the cluster directly?)
  • compute nodes take workload from jenkins
  1. work flow
  • user connects to the terminal server
  • user checkout project/tool data, if they havn't been mounted as container volumes (common dir are nfs exported from master node)
  • user runs their job through nf pipeline, nf pipeline processes are run in containers.
  • user submits their job/pipeline into gitea and jenkins jobs are setup and run ci. ci jobs are deliverred to cluster.
  1. about multiple masternode
  • freeipa servers have active and standby setup.
  • gitea/mysql/jenkins are just standalone services without any mirror or redundency.

Using the physical machine directly?

alternative, we can put services directly on host machine, giving it is quite stable and supported by host os e.g. centos/rhel. The node with key services installed becomes the master node which controls other computing nodes. The jobs dispatcher can be jenkins or slurm-w-singularity. computing node uses the services on master node, and run the dispatched task from ci or batch system.

  • ipa + jenkins + gitolite + slurm-w-singularity + conda, cockpick on centos7 host-os for master node.
  • ipa-client, slurm-w-singularity on computing node.