
😎 A curated list of awesome things related to Yew / WebAssembly.

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Awesome Yew Awesome

A curated list of awesome things related to Yew.

Yew is a modern Rust framework inspired by Elm and React for creating multi-threaded frontend apps with WebAssembly.

Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.



  • Yew - Rust / WebAssembly framework for building client web apps.
  • Live demo - A todomvc demo.
  • Examples - Smaller examples included in official repo.
  • API Docs - Docs on docs.rs.
  • Website - Official website.
  • Chatroom - It is pretty active and is a great place to ask questions.
  • Reddit - Dedicated Sub Reddit.
  • Financial Contribute - Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community.
  • Playground - Online playground for Yew.


  • Realworld example - Exemplary real world app built with Rust + Yew + WebAssembly. It utilizes Yew's latest function components and hooks. It also supports desktop application powered by Tauri.
  • webapp.rs - A web application completely written in Rust, frontend is built with Yew.
  • Rust-Full-Stack - Easily testable and working Rust codes with blog posts to explain them.
  • Bucket Questions - A webapp written entirely in Rust for a dumb party game.
  • web-view todomvc desktop app - Demo how to use yew for a todomvc that compiles to WebAssembly and is bundled as a lightweight(~2mb) desktop app by web-view, as an alternative to Electron, web-view also has a demo.
  • yew-react-example - This project shows how to create a web app using a React component inside a Yew component.
  • Kirk - Just A Rust WebAssembly Blog.
  • rust-async-wasm-demo - Toy project to learn Rust and async that can be deployed to the web.
  • karaoke-rs - A simple, network enabled karaoke player in Rust.
  • I Love Hue! (rs) - A clone of the mobile game I Love Hue in Yew (Rust).
  • yew-styles-page - This is an initial project of a framework style for yew.
  • caniuse.rs - Rust feature search.
  • Rust electron yew demo - An example of building a Rust based web app (Yew) into a native app using electron.
  • covplot - Live graphs of worldwide CoVID-19 data.
  • Minesweeper - Minesweeper built with Rust, Yew and WebAssembly.
  • Freecell - A patience game written in Rust and Yew.
  • Yew-WebRTC-Chat - A simple WebRTC chat made with Yew.
  • Yew Fullstack Boilerplate - Highly opinionated boilerplate for creating full stack applications with Rust.
  • Chord Quiz - Practice recognizing chords in this Rust/Yew/WebAssembly app.
  • RustMart - Single Page Application (SPA) written using Rust, Wasm and Yew.
  • DevAndDev - A website where developers can find pair-programming partners. Written in Rust, Yew frontend.
  • yew-octicons - An easy interface for using Octicons in Yew projects.
  • Pipe - This is a Rust / Wasm client web app which is a task control center.
  • note-to-yew - Convert your markups into Yew macro online, which is also made by Yew.
  • ASCII-Hangman - Configurable Hangman game for children with ASCII-art rewarding.
  • dotdotyew - Dot-voting using Yew, with Rust powering the backend API.
  • wasm-2048 - 2048 game implemented with Rust and Yew and compiled to Wasm.
  • website-wasm - My personal website written in Rust via Yew/Wasm.
  • KeyPress - A Rust WebAssembly Website example for practising english for chinese.
  • yew-train-ticket - A Rust WebAssembly Webapp example basing Yew newest hooks and functional API, the code style is extremely like React Function Component.
  • yew-d3-example - Showing a d3 chart with Yew.
  • Oxfeed - A feed reader written in Rust with a Yew frontend.
  • Flow.er - A notebook app integrated with todo lists utility. Developed with Rust, WebAssembly, Yew and Trunk.
  • Fullstack-Rust - A Full Stack Rust application (Connect5 game) with Actix-web, Yew, Bulma CSS and Diesel.
  • Sea_battle - A simple example of a sea battle game. Rust + Yew.
  • tide-async-graphql-mongodb - Clean boilerplate for graphql services, with wasm/yew frontend.
  • surfer - A blog built on yew + graphql, with live demo site. Backend for graphql services, and frontend for web application.
  • qubit - A handy calculator, based on Rust and WebAssembly, Live Demo.
  • Paudle - A reimplementation of the excellent word game Wordle by Josh Wardle.
  • Rust algorithms - A website with interactive implementations of various algorithms.
  • Marc Portfolio - A software developer portfolio, Live Demo.
  • zzhack - A personal blog, based on Rust & Yew, Live Demo.
  • Rquote - Rquote is a web application built using Rust and WebAssembly. It fetches Anime quotes from the Animechan API. Live Demo.
  • yew-ssr-tide - The example demonstrates Yew server-side rendering with tide & surf, it needs the development version of Yew.
  • yew-ssr-actix-web - The example demonstrates Yew server-side rendering with actix-web & reqwest, it needs the development version of Yew.
  • PixelGuesser - PixelGuesser is a real life party gam where players try to guess the contents of an image as quickly as possible.
  • Crabtyper - A speedtyping web app written in Rust.
  • We-Come Monorepo - This is a monorepo for wecome KM ITB, Live Demo.
  • blog-rs - A blog system in which frontend and backend are ALL written in Rust. Backend powered by Warp and frontend built on Yew (WASM).
  • mb2 - A poker server with a Yew client. Click the Demo button and then Start to see the client.
  • Puzzle Cube - Rubix Cube solver using Rust and Yew, Live Demo.
  • CubeShuffle - Card game shuffling utility built with Rust, Yew, Bulma and Tauri.
  • Rust Audio - Realtime audio processing / synthesis using Rust/WASM in the browser, Live Demo.
  • Kiomet - An online real-time strategy game in which you expand your territory by capturing towers.
  • Portfolio website - A portfolio SPA with accessibility built-in by Spencer Imbleau.
  • tchatche.rs - A Websocket chat based application built in Yew and Axum.
  • viz.rs - A website for viz web framework, Live Demo.
  • theiskaa.com - A real world implementation of Yew framework. Live at theiskaa.com.
  • live-ask.com - Realtime Event/Meetup Q&A Platform. Live at live-ask.com.
  • Sumi - Multi-user issue tracking and knowledge base app built with Yew & Actix.
  • hurlurl - A randomizing link shortener, Live Demo.
  • Macige - CI workflow generator for mobile app development, Live Demo.
  • Spaceman - Spaceman is a cross-platform gRPC client designed to be pleasant to use and pretty to look at.
  • Crypto-helper - Web app that can hash, encrypt, and sign the data on the client side. Also includes a JWT debugger. Website.



Component Libraries

  • yew-mdc - Material Design Components for the Yew framework.
  • muicss-yew - MUI-CSS Components for Yew framework.
  • yew-bulma - A Rust library providing components based on the bulma css library for projects using Yew.
  • material-yew - Yew wrapper for Material Web Components.
  • Yewprint - Port of blueprintjs.com to Yew.
  • ybc - A Yew component library based on the Bulma CSS framework.
  • patternfly-yew - Patternfly components for Yew.
  • yew-feather - Feather Icons components for Yew.
  • tailwind-yew-builder - Builds Tailwind CSS for Yew using docker-compose. Also supports Trunk.
  • yew-components - Material Design Components for the Yew framework.
  • yew-chart - A Yew-based charting library that provides SVG based components for rendering charts.
  • tailyew - Yew wrapper around DaisyUI (tailwindcss based) components.
  • yew-duskmoon-ui - Duskmoon UI Component Library. This package use stylist to embbed css in components, so no extra CSS file is needed. Live Demo.
  • yew-bootstrap - A Yew wrapper for the Bootstrap 5 component library.


  • Yew Form - Components to simplify handling forms with Yew.
  • yew-component-size - A Yew component that emits events when the parent component changes width/height.
  • yew-virtual-scroller - A Yew component for virtual scrolling / scroll windowing.
  • yew-oauth2 - A plain Yew OAuth2/OpenIDConnect component, not tied to any CSS framework.
  • yew-scroll-area - Custom scroll area for Yew.


Javascript Library Ports


  • Yewdux - Redux-like state containers for Yew apps.
  • reacty_yew - Generate Yew components from React components via Typescript type definitions.
  • styled-yew - CSS in Rust, similar to styled-components, but for Yew.
  • stylist-rs - A CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications.
  • Yew Interop - Load JavaScript and CSS asynchronously in Yew.
  • Tailwind RS - Tailwind style tracer in rust, JIT + AOT interpreter.
  • yew-style-in-rs - Scoped CSS in Rust for Yew.
  • yew_icons - Easily include a variety of svg icons(Feather/Font Awesome/Octicons) into your Yew app.
  • Yew-Template - A crate for separating HTML and Rust code when using Yew.
  • yew-nested-router - A router that supported nesting, with Yew 0.20.
  • turf - Macro based compile-time SCSS transpilation, CSS minification, and class name uniquification toolchain inspired by CSS modules.


  • wasm-bindgen - Facilitating high-level interactions between WebAssembly modules and JavaScript.
  • stdweb - Provides Rust bindings to the Web APIs and to allow a high degree of interoperability between Rust and JavaScript.
  • tauri-sys - Raw bindings to the Tauri API for projects using wasm-bindgen.


  • stackable - A framework experience for Yew.


  • wasm-pack - Your favorite Rust -> WebAssembly workflow tool.
  • wasm-pack-action - Github action to install wasm-pack by downloading the executable to speed up CI/CD.
  • wasm-bindgen-action - Github action to install wasm-bindgen by downloading the executable to speed up CI/CD.
  • cargo-web - A Cargo subcommand for the client-side Web.
  • Trunk - Build, bundle & ship your Rust Wasm application to the web.
  • trunk-action - Github action to install Trunk by downloading the executable to speed up CI/CD.
  • wabt - The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit, for the wasm-strip and wasm-objdump tools to reduce .wasm file size.
  • binaryen - Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly, for the wasm-opt tool to reduce .wasm file size.
  • Tauri - Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazingly fast binaries for all major desktop platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their user interface. The backend of the application is a rust-sourced binary with an API that the front-end can interact with.





Yew team love to share ideas with other projects and believe we can all help each other reach the full potential of this exciting new technology.

  • Draco - A Rust library for building client side web applications with WebAssembly.
  • Percy - A modular toolkit for building isomorphic web apps with Rust + WebAssembly.
  • Sauron - Sauron is an HTML web framework for building web-apps.
  • Seed - A Rust framework for creating web apps.
  • Smithy - A framework for building WebAssembly apps in Rust.
  • Dioxus - Elegant React-like library for building user interfaces for desktop, web, mobile, SSR, liveview, and more.
  • Sycamore - A reactive library for creating web apps in Rust and WebAssembly.

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