Pokemon Go Screenshot Scanner for Monocle/Hydro

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PGSS ( Pokemon Go Screenshot Scanner)

PGSS scans raid near by images and identifies Gym,Raid Egg/Boss and time and then updates monocle hydro database. PGSS also works as backend for RealDeviceRaidMap (https://github.com/123FLO321/RealDeviceRaidMap/). Most of gym images are identified automatically.


  1. Read raid near by sighting images and identify
    • gym
    • raid boss
    • start time
  2. Parameters to identify gym and raid boss are stored in gym_images and pokemon_images table automatically.
  3. Update raids and fort_sightings tables in monocle (Hydro) database
  4. Download gym(fort) url images and find matching gym automatically. Up to 99% of gyms are detected successfully.
  5. Discord bot to download user submitted screenshot in your discord server
  6. MySQL and Postgresql supported.


How it works


Read all raid near by screen shot image cropped by crop.py in process_img directory and extract gym/raid boss/hatch time information and update raids and fort_sightings table for monocle Hydro database. If raidnearby.py can't identify the gym then the gym image is stored in unknown_img as FortImage_xxx.png. Once gym is identified, check level and time. If time is Ongoing(Raid), then try to identify raid boss by checking with pokemon_images table. If the raid boss is unknown, then store the raid boss image into non_find_img as PokemonImage_xxx.png.


Read all gym images in unknown_img and identify the gym(fort) image by comparing fort URL images in url_img. If findfort.py finds matching gym(fort) in url_img, then update gym_images table to set identified fort_id. findfort.py checks images every 30 seconds. Fort URL images need to be downloaded by downloadfortimg.py before running findfort.py. If findfort.py can't find matching jpg image in url_img, the gym image stored in not_find_img and you need to submit manually by renaming the image to Fort_fortid.png and run python3.6 manualsubmit.py.


Download all fort URL images in Forts table. Set MAP_START and MAP_END in config.py to limit fort URL images to download if you want.


manualsubmit.py update fort_id in gym_images and pokemon_id in pokemon_images by reading Fort_xxx.png and Pokemon_yyy.png in not_find_img. User need to set xxx for fort_id and yyy for pokedex id manually. This part need to be integrated with Frontend of RealDeviceRaidMap in the future.


Discord bot to download user submitted raid nearby in your discord server. It saves to SCREENSHOT_SAVE_PATH in config.py. To create discord bot, check here https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc/wiki/Creating-a-discord-bot-&-getting-a-token

Running order

  1. Copy config.example.py and rename to config.py. Configure config.py based on your setup.
  2. Run python3.6 downloadfortimg.py once to download all gym(fort) URL images
  3. Run python3.6 raidscan.py start raid image scanning. With this command, crop.py, raidnearby.py and findfort.py run all together. If you run with python3.6 raidscan.py NO_FINDFORT, findfort.py dosen't run and need to run findfort.py separately. This option is recommanded when you start raid scan in new area and most of gym images are unknown.
  4. If you run raidscan.py with NO_FINDFORT option, run open another terminal and activate venv, then run python3.6 findfort.py.
  5. Optional. Run python3.6 rssbot.py to start downloading user posted screenshot image on your discord server
  6. If PGSS can't find gym then the gym image is saved in not_find_img. Check the images in the directory and identify the gym. Then rename the image to Fort_xxx.png or Pokemon_yyy.png. Then Run python3.6 manualsubmit.py. manualsubmit.py updates fort_id to xxx in raid_images and pokemon_id (Pokedex#) to yyy in pokemon_images table.

Setting up

  1. Install Python 3.6
  • macOS : I downloaded from here https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-365/ and installed
  • Linux (Ubuntu example)
    apt-get install build-essential
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
    apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-dev
    wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    sudo python3.6 get-pip.py
    There are many other way to install python3.6. Google it.
  1. Install tesseract
  • macOS : brew install tesseract (Install Homebrew if you don't already have it https://brew.sh/)
  • Linux
    apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
  1. Create venv python3.6 -m venv path/to/create/venv example: python3.6 -m venv ~/venv_pgss
  2. Activate venv source ~/venv_pgss/bin/activate
  3. Install requirements pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt -U
    • If you don't have MySQL on your machine, comment out mysqlclient
    • If you don't have Postgresql on your machine, commment out psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary
  4. Configure config.py to set your monocle database and set discord server setting if you use rssbot.py
  5. Run python3.6 downloadfortimg.py. If you don't want to download whole fort images in database, set MAP_START and MAP_END in config.py.
  6. Run python3.6 raidscan.py from the command line. When first run, raid_images and pokemon_images tables are added automatically.
  7. Note. If you were running crop.bash for Frontend of ReadDevicePokeMap, stop crop.bash before running raidscan.py. raidscan.py itself gets screenshot image and crop with crop.py. Don't worry, PGSS can identify gym images up to 99% of gyms automatically (without user input).
  8. Run python3.6 rssbot.py to start downloading user posted screenshot image on your discord server
  9. Wait until all gyms are identified. Check success_img directory to make sure all gym images are correctly identified. If pgss can't find matching gym in url_img, the raid sighting image is stored in not_find_img and you have to manually assign fort id to the gym image. Rename the gym image to Fort_fortid.png and run python3.6 manualsubmit.py.
  10. PokemonImage_xxx.png files are stored in not_find_img directory. Rename the file to Pokemon_PokemonId.png(e.g. Pokemon_380.png for Latias) and run python3.6 manualsubmit.py. This will train pokemon raid boss. Usually only one time training should be enough.
  11. If screenshot image size is not in config.py save the iamge to not_find_img as Image_aaaxbbb.png and you have to configure RAID_NEARBY_SIZE.

Database Tables

When you run raidscan.py, gym_images and pokemon_images tables are automatically created if these tables are not in your database. If for some reason(error), these tables are not created, then you can create manually these tables as follow.



CREATE TABLE gym_images (
    fort_id INTEGER, 
    param_1 INTEGER, 
    param_2 INTEGER, 
    param_3 INTEGER, 
    param_4 INTEGER, 
    param_5 INTEGER, 
    param_6 INTEGER, 
    created INTEGER, 
    PRIMARY KEY (id)


CREATE TABLE pokemon_images (
    pokemon_id INTEGER, 
    param_1 INTEGER, 
    param_2 INTEGER, 
    param_3 INTEGER, 
    param_4 INTEGER, 
    param_5 INTEGER, 
    param_6 INTEGER, 
    param_7 INTEGER, 
    created INTEGER, 
    PRIMARY KEY (id)



CREATE TABLE gym_images (
    fort_id INTEGER, 
    param_1 INTEGER, 
    param_2 INTEGER, 
    param_3 INTEGER, 
    param_4 INTEGER, 
    param_5 INTEGER, 
    param_6 INTEGER, 
    created INTEGER, 
    PRIMARY KEY (id)


CREATE TABLE pokemon_images (
    pokemon_id INTEGER, 
    param_1 INTEGER, 
    param_2 INTEGER, 
    param_3 INTEGER, 
    param_4 INTEGER, 
    param_5 INTEGER, 
    param_6 INTEGER, 
    param_7 INTEGER, 
    created INTEGER, 
    PRIMARY KEY (id)