Hubstaff Integration With ASP.NET-LIBRARY

This tutorial will go over how to integrate the Hubstaff ASP.NET API into your own ASP.NET application. The Hubstaff API allows you to easily link a User to their Hubstaff account and retrieve useful information such as custom team reports, project and activity details, screenshots, and much more. The Github repository for this tutorial includes two branches. The master branch is the starter application that this tutorial will walkthrough and the final-tut branch is the complete application. The starter applicaiton is a basic ASP.NET app that includes a User model and some basic authentication. This tutorial will go over first linking a User to their Hubstaff account and then go over how to retrieve data. We will be retrieving data via two endpoints provided by the Hubstaff API, custom team reports and screenshots. Before we begin you will need to set up a Hubstaff account. I also recommend creating some data so that your application will be able to view data, specifically create a organization, project, notes, and a few screenshots. After you have created some data we need to go to the Hubstaff developer page to create our application and receive our App Token. Click My Apps and create a new application. Once we have our App Token we’re ready to dive in.

Clone the master branch down and open the application in your editor of choice. First we will edit the hubstaff Config.cs file and add the App Token we generated from the Hubstaff developer page.

public string App_token = "<App Token Hubstaff Provided>";

After editing our config.php file we'll be initializing hubstaff api into our project by calling the following

 aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api hubstaff_api = new aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api();

Next we'll be generating our App authentication token using your hubstaff account email address and password. If we take a look into Views/dashboard/index.cshtml file we can see the connection form

	<a href = "#" class = "connect" >Connect to Hubstaff</a>
  <div class = "hubstaff-form" >
  <input type="text" class="text" value="" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Please add your hubstaff account email" />
  <input type="text" class="text" value="@ViewBag.password" id="email" name="password" placeholder="Please add your hubstaff account password" />
  <input type="submit" class="submit" name = "submit" value="Connect" />

Form submission will call the following ASP.NET code found in controllers/dashboard.cs to generate the authentication token

aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api hubstaff_api = new aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api();
ViewBag.Data = hubstaff_api.auth(email,password); = email;
ViewBag.password = password;

Now we'll move our generated authentication token it into our Config.cs file.

public string auth_token =<Generated authentication token>;

Once we got all that done we can start requesting account related data like reports, users, organizations, notes and others from hubstaff.

Now let's start with fetching the team reports in a specific period of time.

First we need to spicify all the parameters we're going to use for that operation.

Dictionary <string, string[]> param = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
param["start_date"] = new string[] {"start_date"};
param["end_date"]   = new string[] {"end_date"};
param.Add("options", new string[] {"organizations","projects","users","show_tasks","show_notes","show_activity","include_archived"});

Dictionary <string, string> value_type = new Dictionary <string, string>();
value_type["organizations"] = "input";
value_type["projects"] = "input";
value_type["users"] = "input";
value_type["start_date"] = "datetime";
value_type["end_date"] = "datetime";
value_type["show_tasks"] = "select";
value_type["show_notes"] = "select";
value_type["show_activity"] = "select";
value_type["include_archived"] = "select";

we're going to have to required parameters "start_date" and "end_date" of type date ("YYYY-MM-DD").

Next we gonna generate our form using the following code.

@foreach (var item in ViewBag.param) {
  if(item.Key == "options")
    foreach(var item2 in item.Value)
      if(ViewBag.value_type[item2] == "input")
        <div class = "input-container" ><span class = "title">@item2</span><input type = "text" name = "options[@item2]" ></div>
      }else if(ViewBag.value_type[item2] == "datetime")
        <div class = "input-container" ><span class = "title">@item2</span><input type = "text" name = "options[@item2]" class="form-control time" ></div>
        <div class = "input-container" ><span class = "title">@item2</span><select name = "options[@item2]" ><option>0</option><option>1</option></select></div>
    if(ViewBag.value_type[item.Key] == "input")
      <div class = "input-container" ><span class = "title">@item.Key</span><input type = "text" name = "@item.Key" ></div>
    }else if(ViewBag.value_type[item.Key] == "datetime")
      <div class = "input-container" ><span class = "title">@item.Key</span><input type = "text" name = "@item.Key" class="form-control time" ></div>
      <div class = "input-container" ><span class = "title">@item.Key</span><select name = "@item.Key" ><option>0</option><option>1</option></select></div>

Then we'll be requesting the report by calling custom_date_team function

aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api hubstaff_api = new aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api();
ViewBag.reports = hubstaff_api.custom_date_team(start_date, end_date, options);

Now let's print the output into our screen by iterating over the retured json string

@if(ViewBag.reports != null){
	foreach(var org in ViewBag.reports["organizations"])
		<h2>Organization Name: @org["name"] </h2>
		foreach(var dates in org["dates"])
			foreach(var users in dates["users"])
				<h3>User Name: @users["name"]</h3>
				<h4>Time Spent: @users["duration"]</h4>
				foreach(var project in users["projects"])
          <h3>User Name: @project["name"]</h3>
          <h4>Time Spent: @project["duration"]</h4>

And we're going to have something that looks like this


And the same goes for screenshots functions, by changing the parameters to

Dictionary <string, string[]> param = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
param["start_time"] = new string[] {"start_time"};
param["stop_time"]   = new string[] {"stop_time"};
param.Add("options", new string[] {"organizations","projects","users","offset"});

Dictionary <string, string> value_type = new Dictionary <string, string>();
value_type["organizations"] = "input";
value_type["projects"] = "input";
value_type["users"] = "input";
value_type["offset"] = "input";
value_type["start_time"] = "datetime";
value_type["stop_time"] = "datetime";

And generate the form like mentioned before, after that we gonna call the screenshots function using the following

aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api hubstaff_api = new aspnetcoreapp.hubstaff_api();
ViewBag.reports = hubstaff_api.custom_date_team(start_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH':'mm':'ss"), stop_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH':'mm':'ss"), options);

And we'll have the following output


The hubstaff ASP.NET class has much more methods to call other than screenshots and reports that follow the same principle. I hope you found this tutorial helpful.