
Workshop for building a Swift Backend for the FoodTracker sample iOS app

Primary LanguageSwift

Building a Swift Backend for FoodTracker

This tutorial teaches how to create a Server-Side Swift backend for a simple iOS app.

For more information about Swift@IBM, visit https://developer.ibm.com/swift/


Install the Swift Server Generator:

  1. Ensure that you have Node.js 8.0 installed:
    node —v
  2. If Node.js isn’t installed, you can download and install it:
  3. Install Yeoman:
    npm install -g yo
  4. Install Swift Server Generator:
    npm install -g generator-swiftserver

Clone this project:

  1. Clone this project from GitHub to your machine (don't use the Download ZIP option):
cd ~
git clone http://github.com/seabaylea/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop
cd ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop

Getting Started

1. Run the Food Tracker App:

  1. Change into the iOS app directory:
cd ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop/iOS/FoodTracker
  1. Open the Xcode Workspace
    open FoodTracker.xcworkspace
  2. Run the project to ensure that its working
    1. Hit the build and run button
    2. Add a meal in the Simulator
    3. Check that you receive a “Meals successfully saved.” message in the console

2. Create and run a Kitura Server to Persist data from FoodTracker

  1. Create a directory for the server project
mkdir ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop/Server
cd ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop/Server
  1. Run Swift Server Generator:
yo swiftserver
What's the name of your application? > FoodTrackerServer
Enter the name of the directory to contain the project: FoodTrackerServer

Select a type of project. Scaffold a starter allows you to create a Basic, Web or Backend for Frontend project (including creating REST APIs) whereas Generate a CRUD application is designed to do data persistence. Select a CRUD application.

Select type of project: 
  Scaffold a starter 
❯ Generate a CRUD application
Select capabilities: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to inverse selection)
❯◉ Embedded metrics dashboard
 ◉ Docker files
 ◉ Bluemix cloud deployment

Select a datastore. For a production server you would want to persist data to a database, but for this workshop we'll use an in-memory datastore for ease of setup:

Select data store: 
❯ Memory (for development purposes) 
  Cloudant / CouchDB
Generate boilerplate for Bluemix services: 
❯◉ Auto-scaling
  1. Add a data model to persist to the datastore
cd ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop/Server/FoodTrackerServer
yo swiftserver:model
Enter the model name: ServerMeal
? Custom plural form (used to build REST URL): ServerMeals
Let's add some ServerMeal properties now.

Enter an empty property name when done.
? Enter the property name: name
? Property type: (Use arrow keys)
❯ string 
? Required? (y/N) y
? Default? (y/N) n
? Enter the property name: photo
? Property type: (Use arrow keys)
❯ string 
? Required? (y/N) y
? Default? (y/N) n
? Enter the property name: rating
? Property type: 
❯ number 
? Required? (y/N) y
? Default? (y/N) n
? Enter the property name:

When you get to the final Enter the property name:, just tap Enter and your new model will be generated.

  1. Open and run the server project in Xcode

    1. Open the project in Xcode: open FoodTrackerServer.xcodeproj
    2. Edit the scheme and select a Run Executable of “FoodTrackerServer”
    3. Run the project, then "Allow incoming network connections" if you are prompted.
  2. Check the FoodTrackerServer URLs are running:

  3. Test the REST API is running correctly

    1. From the Kitura REST API explorer select “GET /ServerMeals”
    2. Press the “Try it out!” button
    3. Check for an empty response body (“[]”) and a Response Code of 200. This tests that no meals have been saved to the server yet.

Update FoodTracker to call the FoodTrackerServer:
In order for the FoodTracker iOS application to save the meal data to the server, calls to the server's REST APIs need to be made. This could be done using URLSession, but in order to make it easier to create the correct data objects and API calls, we have provided ServerMeal and ServerMealAPI classes. These were generated using the IBM Cloud SDK Generator and have already been embedded into the FoodTracker iOS application for this workshop.

As a result, you only need to uncomment the code that invokes those APIs:

  1. Open the FoodTracker app project:
cd ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop/iOS/FoodTracker/
open FoodTracker.xcworkspace
  1. Edit MealTableViewController.swift
    1. Uncomment the following at the start of the saveMeals() function:
            for meal in meals {
                  saveToServer(meal: meal)

Run the FoodTracker app with storage to the Kitura server

  1. Make sure the Kitura server is still running and you have the Kitura monitoring dashboard open in your browser (http://localhost:8080/swiftmetrics-dash)
  2. Build and run the FoodTracker app in the iOS simulator and add or remove a Meal entry
  3. View the monitoring panel to see the responsiveness of the API call
  4. Check the data has been persisted by the Kitura server
    1. Go the to REST API explorer: http://localhost:8080/explorer/
    2. From the Kitura REST API explorer select “GET /ServerMeals”
    3. Press the “Try it out!” button
    4. Check for a response body that contains data and a Response Code of 200

Congratulations, you have successfully persisted data from an iOS app to a serverside Swift backend!

Add a Web Application to the Kitura server (bonus content, if you have time)

  1. Update the Kitura server application to save the received images to the local file system:
    1. Open the Sources/Generated/ServerMealResource.swift source file that contains the REST API routes
    2. Import Foundation: import Foundation
    3. Update the handleCreate() function to add the following after the let model = try ServerMeal(json: json) statement to save the images:
          let photoData = Data(base64Encoded: model.photo)
          let fileManager = FileManager.default
          let publicDirectory = fileManager.currentDirectoryPath + "/public/"
          fileManager.createFile(atPath: publicDirectory + model.name + ".jpg", contents: photoData)
    1. Create a ~/FoodTrackerBackend-Workshop/Server/FoodTrackerServer/public/jpeg.html file containing just: <img src="Caprese Salad.jpg">
    2. Re-build and run the server from the command line:
    swift build
    (this needs to be run from the command line as the fileManager code above assumes the server is being run on the root of the project)

Rerun the FoodTracker iOS App and view the Web App

  1. Run the iOS app in XCode and add or remove a Meal entry
  2. Visit the web application at to see the saved image: http://localhost:8080/jpeg.html