
Transparent versioned distribution sources for Porteus Linux


Porteus Linux

Porteus is a super small, but full fledged, portable and highly configurable Linux system.

It is licensed under GPL (GNU General Public License) version 2, June 1991 (see /boot/docs folder in distribution ISOs), so, according to GPL, you must receive source code or can get it if you want it, i.e. it must be sure that recipients of distributed software receive or can get the source code, where source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it, i.e. all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.

This repo aims to give you the "source code" by which Porteus bundles compiled packages like Linux kernel, GNU Core Utilities, X.Org windowing server and Desktop environments, but not the sources of those packages which need not or not fully to be GPL licensed themselves.

As a prominent goal, this repo should make version changes transparent. On the other hand, it is not intended to be a historical museum, so no versions prior to 3.1 (december 2014) are included.

Refer to the version tags to see which Porteus versions are included here and choose the one you like to jump to.

This repo uses Markdown files (*.md) at various levels for annotations on Porteus sources, they are not part of the source itself.

Be aware that you cannot install Porteus from here. You may derive a Porteus version of your personal taste from here and / or create your own accurately tailored install packages.

This is not an official Porteus project, but is eager to promote it.
