Official repository for the third-generation spectral WAve Model WAM

Primary LanguageFortranGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WAM (Cycle7)

Official repository of the third-generation spectral WAve Model WAM

This branch is the most recent offical stand-alone version of WAM. For previous versions please visit: https://github.com/mywave/WAM/

New in Cycle 7:

  • ST6 (BYDBR) physics (IPHYS = 2)
  • bug fix in normalised wave stress
  • betamax for ST4 adjustable via namelist
  • improved Netcdf conversion
  • improved compilation



WAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or at your option) any later version.

WAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with WAM. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/


Installation - Quick build instructions

  1. Install the following prerequisites of WAM on your system:

    • MPI
    • NetCDF
    • OASIS 3 (if the OASIS coupling interface will be used)
  2. Download the repository: https://github.com/mywave/WAM/tree/WAM_Cycle7

OPTION A: via mk/create_binaries as stand-alone WAM

  1. Link the compatible subroutines for the desired input data format in the source code directories src/chief and src/preproc:

    [chief]   $ ln -sf read_*_input*.f90    read_*_input.f90 
    [preproc] $ ln -sf read_topography*.f90 read_topography.f90

    For the "SWAMP" test case:

    [chief]   $ ln -sf read_wind_input_arno.f90     read_wind_input.f90 
    [chief]   $ ln -sf read_topo_input_arno.f90     read_topo_input.f90 
    [chief]   $ ln -sf read_current_input_arno.f90  read_current_input.f90 
    [chief]   $ ln -sf read_boundary_input_arno.f90 read_boundary_input.f90 
    [chief]   $ ln -sf read_ice_input_arno.f90      read_ice_input.f90 
    [preproc] $ ln -sf read_topography_arno.f90     read_topography.f90
  2. Set the library paths and modules to be loaded for your SYSTEM in the preamble of mk/create_binaries.

  3. Ensure executable permission is set for mk/create_binaries, mk/build_, and mk/make_ files.

    [mk] $ chmod -u+x create_binaries build_* make_* 
  4. Compile the executables from the directory mk:

    [mk] $ rm ../abs/* ../obj/* 
    [mk] $ ./create_binaries SYSTEM

    The argument SYSTEM specifies the libraries and moduled set under 3. Currently supported systems are:

    • strand[-oneAPI]
    • levante[-oneAPI]
    • first
      "first" does not specify any modules or libraries and should only be used for calls from super-scripts, which already set the SYSTEM environement.
  5. DONE! The executables can be found in the directory abs.

OPTION B: via make.SYSTEM for coupled models

  1. Set the library paths and modules to be loaded for your SYSTEM in the preamble of make.SYSTEM (e.g. make.LEVANTE).

  2. Adjust the linking of read subroutines IN the file make.SYSTEM (e.g., make.LEVANTE). See step 3 of OPTION A for a linking example.

  3. Ensure executable permission is set for make.SYSTEM, mk/create_binaries, mk/build_, and mk/make_ files.

    [WAM] $ chmod -u+x make.SYSTEM mk/create_binaries mk/build_* mk/make_* 
  4. Compile the executables by executing

    [WAM] $ ./make.SYSTEM clean 
    [WAM] $ ./make.SYSTEM first
    [WAM] $ ./make.SYSTEM

    Note that "./make.SYSTEM first" is equivalent to OPTION A "./create_binaries SYSTEM" with according manually-linked subroutines. The final call of "./make.SYSTEM" rebulids the executable wam with activated OASIS coupling.

  5. DONE! The executables can be found in the directory abs.

After a successfull compilation abs should cointain the following executables (binaries):

  • preproc : Pre-processing program to create domain/grid files
  • wam : Main program running the wave model
  • pnetcdf : Converter of binary wam output to NetCDF-format
  • pgrid : !!! TODO !!!
  • pspec : !!! TODO !!!
  • ptime[_S] : !!! TODO !!!
  • psource : !!! TODO !!!


Execution (WAM stand-alone)

Each program requires a corresponding parameter file (namelist) named *_User in the chosen work directory for its execution. Examples *_User files (also used in the "SWAMP" test case) can be found in the directories const or SWAMPtest/input/config.

Manual step-by-step execution

  1. Copy the executable(s) and the parameter file(s) to any work directory of your choice:

    [WRKDIR] $ cp -ra PATH/TO/WAM/abs/BINNAME ./BINNAME.exe
    [WRKDIR] $ cp -ra PATH/TO/WAM/const/BINNAME_User ./BINNAME_User
  2. Set the general run parameters and the locations of input and output data files in the format chosen at compilation stage in *_User.

  3. Execute the pre-processing program preproc.exe (for now only as a singelton process), e.g.:

    [WRKDIR] $ ./preproc.exe
  4. Execute the main program wam.exe in the parallel enviroment of your choice, e.g.:

    [WRKDIR] $ mpirun -n 48 ./wam.exe
  5. Execute the post-processing program(s) (for now only as a singelton process), e.g.:

    [WRKDIR] $ ./pnetcdf.exe
    [WRKDIR] $ ./pgrid.exe
    [WRKDIR] $ ./pspec.exe
    [WRKDIR] $ ./ptime[_S].exe

Execution of the "SWAMP" test case:

An example case including nested grids to test and validate your compilation is provided in the directory SWAMPtest. It provides fully automated execution scripts for the Strand and Levante HPC environements:

  1. Choose your environement. If not STRAND or LEVANTE, copy and modify your run_WAMall_SYSTEM.bash accordingly.

  2. Adjust in run_WAMall_SYSTEM.bash: The SLURM settings, the paths to your executables (WAMDIR=) and your storage directory (STOREDIR=), and the number of mpi processes used for wam (nproc=). Optionally, you can adjust whether pre-processing is switched on/off (preproc=['y'/'n']) and how many nested grids will be performed (nofnest=[0/1/2])

  3. Run

    [SWAMPtest] $ sbatch run_WAMall_SYSTEM.bash
  4. Compare your output and grid (preproc output) directories:

    [SWAMPtest] $ diff -r[qs] ./grid ./ref_grid 
    [SWAMPtest] $ diff -r[qs] ./output ./ref_output 
  5. Preview the data (with ncview):

    [SWAMPtest] $ ncview [ref_]output/*/ST6/WAVE*.nc



Version 7.0.4
Marcel Ricker (marcel DOT ricker AT hereon DOT de)
Robert Hartmann (robert DOT hartmann AT hereon DOT de)
06 June 2024