
This repository provides a reference implementation of paper: Causal-Debias: Unifying Debiasing in Pretrained Language Models and Fine-tuning via Causal Invariant Learning.


We implement Causal-Debias with following dependencies:

  • tqdm
  • torch
  • regax
  • numpy
  • functools
  • scikit-learn
  • transformers


Download the GLUE data (SST-2, QNLI, CoLA). After downloading, unpack it to some directory.

External Corpora

We use the Corpora from the paper Towards Debiasing Sentence Representations


Go to directory experiment.

A. Preprocess the external corpora

python \
--model_type   bert or roberta or albert
--model_name_or_path  bert-base-uncased, etc
--no_cuda  if to use cuda
--cuda  if use cuda, choose which cuda to use
--max_seq_length  The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece  tokenization
--output  which file to save the preprocess embedding temporarily their is a  default path

B. Debiasing language models while fintuning

--debias_type  gender or race
--model_type   bert or roberta or albert
--model_name_or_path  bert-base-uncased, etc
--prompts_file prompts_bert-base-uncased_gender
--task_name  SST-2 QNLI or CoLA
--data_dir  the path that saved glue data
--no_cuda  if to use cuda
--cuda  if use cuda, choose which cuda to use
--k  top k similar sentence to extend
--tau  a trade-off hyperparameters