

$ docker-compose up -d --build web sqlsrv

Database Migrations

Create Database

$ docker-compose exec sqlsrv /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -H localhost -U SA -Q "create database laraveldb"

Enter the password that was set database.

Running Migrations

$ docker-compose exec web php artisan migrate

Show DB definition and ER diagrams

Build and Run schemaspy container for executing Schemaspy

$ docker-compose run --rm schemaspy

Open schemaspy/output/index.html in Web Broeser view.

Generate schemaMeta XML for Schemaspy

Create or Update XML file showing relationship.

$ docker-compose exec web php artisan schemaspy-meta:generate App\\Models --excludeClass=Flight --xmlFile=schemaspy/schema-meta.xml

Run schemaspy container again after generating xml.
