
Fat-Free Framework snippets for Sublime Text 4

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Fat-Free Framework SublimteText Snippets

Fat-Free Framework snippets for Sublime Text 4.


Download and unzip the latest source from GitHub into your Sublime Text "Packages\User" directory and rename it to FFSnippets.

Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages... > User


Menu > Preferences > Settings

    "tab_completion": true
Trigger Description
ff@ Fat-Free: {{ @var }}
ffvar Fat-Free: {{ @var }}
ffbaseurl Fat-Free: href="{{@BASE . '/' .@UI}}"
ffcheck Fat-Free: <check >
ffinclude Fat-Free: <include >
ffisset Fat-Free: {{ isset(@var)?: }}
ffloop Fat-Free: <loop >
ffprintr Fat-Free: {{ print_r(@value) }}
ffrepeat Fat-Free: <repeat >
ffset Fat-Free: <set >
ffswitch Fat-Free: <switch >
ffswitchcase Fat-Free: <case >
ffbase Fat-Free: = \Base::instance()
ffbase Fat-Free: = require('lib/base.php')
ffaudit Fat-Free: \Audit::instance()->
ffauth Fat-Free: new \Auth(...)
ffbase64 Fat-Free: ->base64(...)
ffclear Fat-Free: ->clear(...)
ffcompile Fat-Free: ->compile(...)
ffconcat Fat-Free: ->ffconcat(...)
ffconfig Fat-Free: ->config(...)
ffcopy Fat-Free: ->copy(...)
ffcsv Fat-Free: ->csv(...)
ffdevoid Fat-Free: ->devoid(...)
ffdump Fat-Free: ->dump(...)
fferror Fat-Free: ->error(...)
ffexists Fat-Free: ->exists(...)
ffflip Fat-Free: ->flip(...)
ffget Fat-Free: ->get(...)
ffhash Fat-Free: ->hash(...)
ffmset Fat-Free: ->mset(...)
ffmsetkey Fat-Free: 'key' => $value,
ffnewjig Fat-Free: = new \DB\Jig(...)
ffnewmongo Fat-Free: = new \DB\Mongo(...)
ffnewsql Fat-Free: = new \DB\SQL(...)
ffnewsqlite Fat-Free: = new \DB\SQL('sqlite:data/sqlite.db')
ffpop Fat-Free: ->pop(...)
ffpush Fat-Free: ->push(...)
ffread Fat-Free: ->read(...)
ffref Fat-Free: ->ref(...)
ffrender Fat-Free: \Template->render
ffreroute Fat-Free: ->reroute(...)
ffroute Fat-Free: ->route(...)
ffrun Fat-Free: ->run()
ffscrub Fat-Free: ->scrub(...)
ffserialize Fat-Free: ->serialize(...)
ffsession Fat-Free: new \DB\SQL\Session(...)
ffset Fat-Free: ->set(...)
ffsign Fat-Free: ->sign(...)
ffsplit Fat-Free: ->split(...)
ffunserialize Fat-Free: ->unserialize(...)
ffwrite Fat-Free: ->write(...)


You can modify ff-snippets-settings.tmPreferences in your snippets (Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages... > User > FFSnippets):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>ff-snippets settings</string>

                Uncomment the following section if you like to opening brace not be formatted on a new line:
<!--             <dict>
            </dict> -->