

Host and run a web application (VPROFILE) on AWS using the Lift & Shift strategy. Move a physical/virtual stack to the cloud with automation using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Utilize autoscaling for improved performance and manage costs effectively with a pay-as-you-go model.


Project diagram

AWS Services

Service USE
EC2 Instances Replacing VNs for tomcat, RabbitMQ, Memcached, MySQL
ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) Replacing Nginx Load Balancer
autoscaling automation fo VM scaling
S3 + EFS Shared Storage
Route 53 Private DNS Service
IAM Identity & Access Manager
ACM Amazon Certificate Manager
EBS Elastic Block Storage

Desired Learning outcomes

  • Gain familiarity with various AWS services.
  • Understand and implement autoscaling for optimal performance.

Flow of Execution

  1. Create 3 Security Groups for LoadBalancer, App, and Backend Services.
  2. Create Key Pairs for EC2 Instances.
  3. Launch Instances with user data (Bash Scripts).
  4. Update IP to name mapping in Route 53.
  5. Build Application from source code (locally).
  6. Upload artifact to S3 Bucket.
  7. Download artifact from bucket to Tomcat EC2 instance.
  8. Set up ELB with HTTPS connection (using ACM).
  9. Map ELB Endpoint to our website in GoDaddy DNS.
  10. Verify the application.
  11. Build Autoscaling Group for Tomcat Instances.


  • AWS Account
  • jdk 11 and Maven

Create Security Groups

  1. ELB Security group (vprofile-elb-SG): Description: Security group for vprofile prod Load Balancer
    • Inbound rules:
      • HTTP (Port 80) from anywhere (temporary rule)
      • HTTPS (Port 443) from anywhere
  2. App Security group (vprofile-app-SG): Description: Security group for tomcat instances
    • Inbound rules:
      • Custom (Port 8080) from vprofile-elb-SG Description: Allow traffic from vprofile prod ELB
      • SSH (Port 22) from MY IP Description: Allow SSH
      • Custom (Port 8080) from MY IP Description: Allow access from browser (troubleshooting)
  3. Backend Security group (vprofile-backend-SG): Description: Security group for backend services
    • Inbound rules:
      • MYSQL (Port 3306) from vprofile-app-SG Description: Allow 3306 from application servers
      • Custom TCP (Port 11211) from vprofile-app-SG Description: Allow Tomcat to connect to Memcache
      • Custom TCP (Port 5672) from vprofile-app-SG Description: Allow Tomcat to connect to RabbitMQ
      • All Traffic from vprofile-backend-SG Description: Allow internal traffic to flow on all ports
      • SSH (Port 22) from MY IP Description: Allow SSH

Create Key Pair for EC2 Instances

  1. vprofile-prod-key
    • type: RSA
    • format: .pem

Launch Instances with user data

  1. Database Instance
    • Name: vprofile-db01
    • Project: vprofile
    • AMI: CentOS Stream 9 (x86_64)
    • type: t2.micro
    • Key pair: vprofile-prod-key
    • Network settings: Security group: vprofile-backend-SG
    • Advanced details: User data : Paste contents of mysql.sh
  2. Memcache Instance
    • Name: vprofile-mc01
    • Project: vprofile
    • AMI: CentOS Stream 9 (x86_64)
    • type: t2.micro
    • Key pair: vprofile-prod-key
    • Network settings: Security group: vprofile-backend-SG
    • Advanced details: User data : Paste contents of memcache.sh
  3. RabbitMQ Instance
    • Name: vprofile-rmq01
    • Project: *vprofile
    • AMI: CentOS Stream 9 (x86_64)
    • type: t2.micro
    • Key pair: vprofile-prod-key
    • Network settings: Security group: vprofile-backend-SG
    • Advanced details: User data : Paste contents of rabbitmq.sh
  4. Tomcat Instance
    • Name: vprofile-app01
    • Project: vprofile
    • AMI: Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    • type: t2.micro
    • Key pair: vprofile-prod-key
    • Network settings: Security group: vprofile-app-SG
    • Advanced details: User data : Paste contents of tomcat_ubuntu.sh

Update IP to name mapping in Route 53

  1. Create a private hosted zone in Route 53:
  • Domain name: vprofile.in
  • Type: Private hosted zone (within an Amazon VPC)
  • Region : us-east-1
  • VPC: Default vpc
  1. Create DNS records for the instances in the hosted zone: Simple routing (simple record):
  • Record name: db01 Value/Route traffic to private ip of db01
  • Record name: mc01 Value/Route traffic to private ip of mc01
  • Record name: rmq01 Value/Route traffic to private ip of rmq01

Build and Upload artifact to S3 Bucket

Build Application from source code (locally)

mvn install

for authentication we must first create IAM user

  1. Create an IAM user: s3admin

    • Attach policies directly: AmazonS3FullAccess
  2. Create access key for user (Command Line Interface (CLI))

  3. Assign access key to Tomcat Instance (aws configure)

  4. Create a role (IAM Roles)

    • Trusted entity type: AWS service
    • Use case: EC2
    • Permissions policies: AmazonS3FullAccess
    • Role name: vprofile-artifact-store

    EC2 > Instances > app01 > Modify IAM role >select role

  • Role: vprofile-artifact-store

Create S3 Bucket and upload artifact

aws s3 mb s3://vproarts3
aws s3 cp target/vprofile-v2.war s3://vproarts3

Download artifcat from bucket to Tomcat EC2 instance

  1. Install awscli and fetch the artifact on the Tomcat instance (app01):
sudo -i
apt update
apt install awscli
aws s3 ls
aws s3 cp s3://vproarts3/vprofile-v2.war /tmp/
  1. Stop tomcat Service ande replace default artifact
systemctl stop tomcat9
rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/
cp /tmp/vprofile-v2.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT.war
systemctl start tomcat9


ls /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
cat /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/application.properties

Setup Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) with HTTPS Connection (using ACM)

Creating Target groups

Target Groups: Create Target group

  • target type: Instances
  • Target group name: vprofile-app-TG
  • Protocol:HTTP Port:8080
  • Health check path: /login
  • Advanced health check settings: Health check port
    • Override on port 8080
  • Healthy threshold: 3
  • Available instances: vprofile-app01

Creating Load Balancer

  • Type: Application Load Balancer
  • name: vprofile-prod-elb
  • Scheme: Internet-facing
  • Network mapping: Select all
  • Security groups: vprofile-elb-SG
  • Listeners and routing:
    • Add Listener:
      • HTTPS 443 Forward to: vprofile-app-TG
      • Secure listener settings: add ACM certificate

Map ELB Endpoint to our website in godaddy DNS

  • copy "DNS name" to GoDaddy as CNAME record
    • name: vprofileapp Value: "DNS name"


Access through browser on https://vprofileapp.medinay.com


Building Autoscaling Group for tomcat Instances:

  1. Create Image for the instance

    EC2 > Instances > vprofile-app01 > Create image (AMI)

  • Image name: vprofile-app-image
  1. Create Auto Scaling group

    EC2 > Launch configurations > Create launch configuration

  • Name: vprofile-app-LC

  • Amazon machine image: vprofile-app-image

  • Instance type: t2.micro

  • Additional configuration: IAM instance profile: vprofile-artifact-store(ROLE)

    • Enable EC2 instance detailed monitoring within CloudWatch
  • Security groups:

    • existing: vprofile-app-SG
  • Key pair:

    • existing: vprofile-prod-key

    EC2 > Auto Scaling groups > Create Auto Scaling group

  • Name: vprofile-app-ASG

  • Switch to launch configuration: vprofile-app-LC

  • Availability Zones and subnets: Select all

  • Load balancing:

    • Attach to an existing load balancer
    • Choose from your load balancer target groups
    • select target group:
      • vprofile-app-TG | HTTP EC2 health checks:
  • Turn on Elastic Load Balancing health check

  • Group size: Set min max and desired

  • Scaling policies:

    • Target tracking scaling policy
  • Add notifications: SNS Topic

  • Launch

  • Terminate

  • Fail to launch

  • Fail to terminate