This project is a replica of SeriesHeat by Jim Vallandingham, that uses DuckDB-Wasm instead of phiresky's sql.js-httpvfs.
Data comes from IMDb Datasets filtered and preprocessed to Parquet files so they can be directly queried. Code for building said files can be found in @myagues/datasets/imdb, and code for the project is available @myagues/seriesheat-duckdb-wasm.
- SeriesHeat [1] [2]
- Plot: Cell by Mike Bostock
- SeriesHeat Cheap Replica using just Observable's Plot API
- Making visualizations literally w/ Svelte & D3 by Connor Rothschild
- Plot: colorContrast transform by Philippe Riviere and Anna Wiederkehr
- sveltekit-typescript is a basic demo of DuckDB-Wasm with SvelteKit by Benjamin Schmidt