
DEPRECATED: Backup of The Ohio State University's Emergency Page

Primary LanguageHTML


The Ohio State University's Emergency Page


This project has been deprecated due to OSU replacing their Emergency Info page with a more modern layout: https://dps.osu.edu/campus-status


This project contains commits of the index.html file located at http://ap.osu.edu/emergency/ over the course of the past few months.

This was created by running this in a cronjob:

*/10 * * * * DT=`date \+\%Y-\%m-\%d_\%H\%M\%S`; curl http://ap.osu.edu/emergency/ -o /home/yano/dev/osue/index-`echo $DT`.html

The interval which it runs has changed over time. Originally the project started out pulling every minute to every couple of minutes to now settling on once every 10 minutes.