
Python Interface of the Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists

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Python interface of Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists described in the Paper: Yang, Hongyu, Cynthia Rudin, and Margo Seltzer. "Scalable Bayesian rule lists." arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.08610 (2016).

Original C Implementation: https://github.com/Hongyuy/sbrlmod by Hongyu Yang et al.

Note: This package is not fully tested.


Now pysbrl is available through PyPi (with wheels for macOS and linux), you can install it via pip.

pip install pysbrl


import pysbrl

rule_ids, outputs, rule_strings = pysbrl.train_sbrl("data/ttt_train.out", "data/ttt_train.label", 20.0, eta=2.0, max_iters=2000, nchain=10, alphas=[1,1])

rule_ids is the list of ids of rules outputs is the outputs matrix (prob distribution as a vector per rule) rule_strings is the whole list of rules in the format of strings like u'{c2=x,c4=o,c5=b}'.

You can retrieve the selected rules by

rules = [rule_strings[i] for i in rule_ids]

Also note that the last rule is always "default".



A few C libraries are required to compile this package

  1. GNU GSL: You can download from here: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/

  2. GMP: https://gmplib.org/

On macOS, you can easily install them via Homebrew

brew install gsl gmp

To properly build this module, you need also install swig to generate interface code for wrapping.


git clone https://github.com/myaooo/pysbrl
cd pysbrl
pip install -e .


The major code for this project is train.c, rulelib.c, and pysbrl.c. pysbrl.c defines the api that exposes to python.

The interface between C and python is defined in pysbrl.i.

After modifying the code, run swig -Wall -python pysbrl.i to generate pysbrl_wrap.c and pysbrl.py.


To build all wheels for linux, you can use docker.

First pull the manylinux docker image:

docker pull quay.io/pypa/manylinux1_x86_64:latest

Then run the scripts/run_docker_build.sh to build the wheels.