
simple static site generator

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


atsuage is a static site generator.


Simple manual(Japanese) is here.

English version is this README file. (WIP)


This project depend on some other projects. Especially following projects

related with how to install.

How to install

use roswell

  1. At first, install roswell Installation
  2. install Rosa
  3. install atsuage

We can also install rosa by using roswell.

$ ros install t-sin/rosa
$ ros install myaosato/atsuage

Roswell and Quicklisp resolve other dependencies.


Simple example

For example, you want to make new project (directory for atsuage and your website) on your home directory (/home/username/).

$ cd ~
$ atsuage new-project mywebsite

The above command make directory (~/mywebsite/) and its child directries and child files.

|  |--project
|  |--index
$ cd ~/new-project
$ atsuage dir

Command atsuage dir show current project dir.

$ atsuage dir
$ atsuage all

Command atsuage all convert all text files without ignored files to html files (under pages/ dir)

In this case, after execute atsuage all command pages/index.html file is created. texts/project file is ignored.

You can setting ignored files like texts/project file. Please check .atsuage file

$ less /home/username/mywebsite/.atsuage
(:IGNORE ("project")
     (:TITLE "title" :DATE "" :UP "" :PREV "" :NEXT "" :TEXT "please write
   (:TITLE "title" :DATE "" :UP "" :PREV "" :NEXT "" :TEXT "please write

If you don't want to convert hoge file. Please add "hoge" to :ignore porperty as following.

$ less /home/username/mywebsite/.atsuage
(:IGNORE ("project" "hoge")
     (:TITLE "title" :DATE "" :UP "" :PREV "" :NEXT "" :TEXT "please write
   (:TITLE "title" :DATE "" :UP "" :PREV "" :NEXT "" :TEXT "please write

Such files are used having information of all of your project (For example, site name, author copyright, style...)

Command atsuage all "all" texts file convert using "default template" templates/template. If you want to convert a text file(for exmple, texts/index), please use atsuage page.

$ atsuage page index

If you want to specify used template file, please add a argument.

$ atsuage page index foo

and prepare template/foo. About syntax, please check "Syntax of template file".

Syntax of template files

simple html tag

(:p "hoge" (:span "piyo"))

-> <p>hoge<span>piyo</span></p>

attribute tag

(:a &(:href "hoge.html") "hoge")

-> <a href="hoge.html">hoge</a>


(:img &(:src "foo.png"))

-> <br /><img src="foo.png">

information in texts file


:title foo
### fuga

* bar
* baz


:site-name hogera

when $ atsuage page foo

(:h1 (:get-value "title"))
(:h2 (:get-value "site-name" "project"))
(:get-value-as-md "body")


Example template

(:html (:head
        (:title "title"))
        (:h1 (get-value "site-name" "project"))
        (:h2 (get-value "title"))
        (:p "hogehoge"
            (:a &(:href "./fuga.html") (get-value "title" "fuga"))
        (:main (get-value-as-md "text"))))

Syntax of text files

:TITLE sample page
:DATE 2018-01-21
:UP foo
:PREV bar
:NEXT baz
### Hello!!

* foo
* bar
* baz

Please check Rosa Syntax.

In atsuage, labels are case insensitive.

help message

$ atsuage help

  version 0.2.0

  simple static site generator 


    new-project [name] : make new project
    new [name] : make new text
    new [name] [format] : make new text using specified format
    inew [name] : make new text (interactive)
    inew [name] [format] : make new text using specified format (interactive)
    page [name] : make page and resolve relation
    page [name] [template] : make page using specified template and resolve relation
    update : make pages and resolve relation (updated texts only)
    page-all : make pages (all texts) this dosen't resolve relation
    refresh : make pages (all texts) this resolve relation
    import-theme [theme-dir-path]: copy theme (css, js, templates, .atsuage files) from specified theme directory
    export-theme : copy theme  files (pages/css/, pages/js/, templates/, .atsuage) to theme/ directory
    dir : show current project directry
    texts : show text list
    conf : show config
    updated : show updated text files
    help : show help message

What dose "atsuage" mean?

It is one of tofu foods. Aburaage - Wikipedia


This software is released under the MIT License, please check LICENSE.txt.