



(ql:quickload :cl-registry-stack) 
;; or (asdf:load-system :cl-registry-stack) or other way to load this system

;; make ~/.cl-registry-stack file when the file not exists.
;; read ~/.cl-registry-stack file to find pathnames 
;; (then this system know pathnames writen ~/.cl-registry-stack)
;; push pathnames to asdf:*central-registry*

(cl-registry-stack:add-path pathname)
;; add pathname to ~/.cl-registry-stack file

(cl-registry-stack:remove-path pathname)
;; remove pathname from ~/.cl-registry-stack file

;; show pathnames written in ~/.cl-registry-stack file

(cl-registry-stack:swap-paths index1 index2)
;; swap pathnames written in ~/.cl-registry-stack file
;; for example
;; (cl-registry-stack:show-path)
;; 0: ~/hoge/
;; 1: ~/piyo/
;; 2: ~/fuga/
;; (cl-registry-stack:swap-paths 0 2)
;; (cl-registry-stack:show-path)
;; 0: ~/fuga/
;; 1: ~/piyo/
;; 2: ~/hoge/

;; push pathnames written in ~/.cl-registry-stack file
;; for example
;; (cl-registry-stack:show-path)
;; 0: ~/hoge/
;; 1: ~/piyo/
;; 2: ~/fuga/
;; (cl-registry-stack:push-paths)
;; asdf:*central-registyr* -> (#p"~/hoge/" #p"~/piyo/" #p"~/fuga/" ...)

;; pop pathnames written in ~/.cl-registry-stack file from asdf:*central-registyr*
;; for example
;; asdf:*central-registyr* -> (#p"~/hogera/")
;; (cl-registry-stack:init)
;; (cl-registry-stack:push-paths)
;; asdf:*central-registyr* -> (#p"~/hoge/" #p"~/piyo/" #p"~/fuga/" #p"~/hogera/")
;; (cl-registry-stack:quit)
;; asdf:*central-registyr* -> (#p"~/hogera/")

As Command Line Tool

use roswell script (ros-registry-stack.ros)

$ ros registry-stack [command]

This roswell script provide three functions add, remove, show.

$ ros registry-stack add

add path of current directory to ~/.cl-registry-stack file

$ ros registry-stack remove

remove path of current directory from ~/.cl-registry-stack file

$ ros registry-stack add

show paths written in ~/.cl-registry-stack file


using roswell (recomended)

ros install myaosato/cl-registry-stack

clone this repositry (and add path for your Common Lisp (ASDF, Quicklisp) enviroment)

git clone