This set up aims to build and deploy Servian's TechChallengeApp to AWS Cloud infrastructure while adhering to following guidelines.
- DEMO PAGE. (More details on Accessing the actually deployed ServianTC APP and screenshots can be found in
- AWS IAM Account with Priviledged access for following services
- EC2, EKS, ELB, S3, SSM, RDS, IAM, etc.
- Terraform Core installed
- Makefile runtime (Ability to run Makefile)
- CLI Utilities: envsubst, etc.
- Network reachability to "" (in evaluating public IP of Terraform Core workstation for whitelisting)
- Architecture Design Records (ADR) are recorded in - this file.
- Decision Tree. (More details in
- Architecture Diagram. (More details in
Directory | Purpose/Description |
terraform | Contains Terraform modules and scripts needed to spin up infrastructure needed to implement infrastructure on which TechChallengeApp will be deplyed on. |
k8-manifests | Contains palceholder view of k8-manifests required to deploy and run TechChallengeApp in EKS Fargate. |
aws-s3-be-policy | Contains bucket policy template for Terraform backend s3 bucket. |
Requirements to create a new environment are:
- Create an S3 bucket to store data and states.
Remember to create two files that define an environment within the folder "terraform/envs/#ENV#/".
- backend.conf
- default.tfvars
Note: Here environment is considered as preprod.
To configure the infrastructure it is necessary to declare the environment variables:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-2
export ENVIRONMENT=preprod
Or you can also define an AWS Profile ( on your machine and use it:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-2
export AWS_PROFILE=preprod
export ENVIRONMENT=preprod
Following environment variables are required in S3 buicket creation,
export AWS_ACC_ID=
export AWS_S3_BUCKET=
0. Create S3 Bucket
- With make file, you are given with facility of simply creating s3 bucket with required permissions and policy. You can additionally define following paramers at the beginning if s3 bucket creation is required.
make init-s3
1. Update dependancies
make init
2. Deploy of infrastructure
make deploy
3. Destroy of infrastructure
make destroy
0. Create S3 Bucket
cd aws-s3-be-policy
aws s3 mb s3://${AWS_S3_BUCKET}
aws s3api put-public-access-block \
--bucket ${AWS_S3_BUCKET} \
--public-access-block-configuration "BlockPublicAcls=true,IgnorePublicAcls=true,BlockPublicPolicy=true,RestrictPublicBuckets=true"
envsubst < policy.json.template > mypolicy.json
aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket ${AWS_S3_BUCKET} --policy file://mypolicy.json
rm -rf mypolicy.json
1. Update dependancies
To update the dependencies and start the project execution, it is necessary to perform the following steps:
cd terraform/infrastructure
rm -rf .terraform
terraform get -update=true
terraform init -backend=true -backend-config=../envs/${ENVIRONMENT}/backend.conf
Note: This step must always be done before deploying or destroying the infrastructure.
2. Deploy of infrastructure
cd terraform/infrastructure
terraform plan -var-file="../envs/${ENVIRONMENT}/default.tfvars" -out=.terraform/terraform.tfplan
terraform apply .terraform/terraform.tfplan
3. Destroy of infrastructure
cd terraform/infrastructure
terraform destroy -var-file="../envs/${ENVIRONMENT}/default.tfvars"
Todo Done
- Used proper Git workflow: Gitflow Workflow
- Prepared level architectural overview of my deployment.
- Security (Network segmentation (if applicable to the implementation), Secret storage, Platform security features)
- Resiliency (Auto scaling and highly available frontend, Highly available Database)
- Prepared process instructions for provisioning my solution.
- If you are setting up the database using RDS, do not run the ./TechChallengeApp updatedb command. Instead run ./TechChallengeApp updatedb -s
- Though HTTPS with TLS is used, CA Signed certificate could not be used. (instead aself-signed certificate was used)
- Lets Encrypt - ACME is not supported in AWS ALB ingress controller
- While Nginx Ingress controller supports ACME, AWS Fargate does not support Nginx ingress controller
- While AWS Certificate Manager offers free CA signed certificates, could not obtain due to not havein dedicated DNS for the app.
Suggested Improvements
- Attaching AWS WAF to the AWS ALB. (For enhanced security if the APP is growing)
- Attaching AWS aws Global Accelerator to ALB. (For enhanced performance if the APP is growing)