
Screencast code, script and minified CSS files for our Gulp! Screencast

Primary LanguagePHP

Gulp! Refreshment for Your Frontend Assets

Well hi there! This repository holds the code and script for the KnpUniversity lesson called:

Gulp! Refreshment for Your Frontend Assets


This is a Symfony project (though must of the tutorial doesn't depend on that). To get it up and running, first install the vendor assets via Composer and get the database up and running. If you get any database errors, update the credentials in app/config/parameters.yml:s

composer install
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Next, download the frontend assets via Bower:

bower install

Finally, run the built-in PHP web server:

php app/console server:run

Open up the site at http://localhost:8000.

Have fun!