Thank you for applying at Feather and taking the time to do this home assessment.
The goal of this project is to let you show off your coding and problem-solving skills, on a task that resembles the kind of work you’ll be doing with us.
This coding challenge applies to frontend, backend, and full-stack roles. Depending on the position you are applying for, you can focus on your specific area.
You can spend as little or as much time as you like on this project. We've added some initial boilerplate to help you get started, but feel free to refactor every part of this app as you may seem fit.
- Start by reading the Engineering challenge for the position you've applied for and don't forget about the Acceptance criteria to have a clear idea of the requirements.
- Use the Getting started guide to set up a local version of the project on your machine.
- Take a look at the Data structure and API to know what the data looks like.
- Finish by answering a couple of questions about the project. You can answer them on this very same file.
We've prepared several different user stories to work on. Depending on what position you applied to, pick one of them:
- Make sure your feature works as expected
- Your code is easy to understand and follows best practices
- The project runs with one command, and without any external configuration
- Your code has tests to make sure the functionalities work as expected
- Make sure you have Docker installed on your machine
- Set up the environment variables
cp ./backend/.env.example ./backend/.env
- Build and run the Docker image:
cd backend
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- On a new terminal, run the migration and the seed script to add initial data:
cd backend
docker compose exec backend yarn prisma migrate dev
docker compose exec backend yarn prisma db seed
- That’s it!
You can see the app on http://localhost:3000
The API should be running on http://localhost:4000
** Note ** If you want to install new dependencies, you'll have to do it inside the docker container. To do that, you can use the following command:
docker compose exec {backend OR frontend} yarn add {the_name_of_the_package}
Make sure to replace the values between the curly braces {}
with the correct ones.
After following the Getting started guide, the backend should be running on port 4000
. The backend currently have one endpoint:
Request type | Path | Query Params | Example |
/policies |
search |
/policies?search=BARMER |
Feel free to update or add more endpoints to accommodate or improve your solution.
fields | type | comment |
id | string | Used to identify the policy |
customer | Customer | Object holding the customer's informations |
provider | string | Name of the provider (Allianz, AXA…) |
insuranceType | InsuranceType | Type of the insurance (Liability, Household…) |
status | PolicyStatus | Status of the insurance (Active, Cancelled) |
startDate | date | Date when the policy should start |
endDate | date | Date when the policy ends |
createdAt | date | Date when the record was created |
fields | type | comment |
id | uuid | Used to identify the customer |
firstName | string | Customer’s first name |
lastName | string | Customer’s last name |
dateOfBirth | date | Customer’s date of birth |
can be of LIABILITY
can be of ACTIVE
How much time did you spend working on the solution?
- About 4 days
What’s the part of the solution you are most proud of?
- I'm glad I was able to make all the components in the
directory decoupled from one another. This makes these components reusable and testable. - Making the filters work smoothly was challenging. I solved it by having a
object and encapsulating the filtering policy in a function (filterPolicies
). This way I could easily pass the function into all of the handlers of the filter components.
- I'm glad I was able to make all the components in the
If you had more time, what other things you would like to do?
I would do the following:- Write unit tests for the utility functions and reusable components.
- Implement path aliases.
- Improve the
component to deal with large number of rows. - Create a separate API class for the Policy API
Do you have any feedback regarding this coding challenge?
- It's both fun and challeging especially if you're not familliar with creating components from scratch (e.g.
, filter components, &Pagination
Is the initial setup working?, is something missing?, or any other comment
- It's both fun and challeging especially if you're not familliar with creating components from scratch (e.g.