
The MyBB documentation.

Primary LanguageHTML

docs.mybb.com Uptime Robot status Uptime Robot ratio (30 days) Mozilla HTTP Observatory Grade Chromium HSTS preload

The source of the Docs.MyBB.com website.

Hosted on GitHub Pages using the Jekyll server, Markdown formatting, Liquid templates, and YAML data format.

Some assets are pulled from the mybb-website-theme.


Download the repository content and use Docker to serve the website from local source. Make sure to allow Docker to access the directory using File sharing and run:

$ docker run -it --rm -p "4000:4000" -v "${PWD}:/usr/src/app" mybb/jekyll-docker

This will create a container from a customized Jekyll image. The website will be available at (your browser will warn you about an unsigned certificate that was just generated).

Using Local Theme

To additionally preview changes made to mybb-website-theme in a sibling directory ../mybb-website-theme/), run instead:

$ docker run -it --rm -p "4000:4000" -v "${PWD}:/usr/src/app" -v "${PWD}/../mybb-website-theme:/usr/src/app/_themes/theme" mybb/jekyll-docker
