
A starter kit for writing front-end apps with Elm

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Elm Logo

Traffic light


  • brew install entr (for file watching)
  • npm install
  • npm start : Runs serve and watch concurrently for you

Other scripts:

  • npm run build : Builds the elm source to public/built/index.js
  • npm run watch : Watches elm files in src for changes, and runs build when changes are detected
  • npm run serve : Starts up a server in the public directory, and live-reloads when public/built/.js or public/.css change

Style notes:

Bootstrap CSS (but not JS) is included.

Getting Elm set up for the first time

After running npm install, a version of Elm will be installed into your node modules folder, and can be interacted with by running ./node_modules/.bin/elm.

That folder can just be added to your path, or you can install Elm globally by typing npm install -g elm
