
A dockerized Selenium Grid with Nightwatch

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A Dockerized Selenium Grid with Nightwatch

I built this project to quickly provision a dockerized environment for running UI tests against a dockerized app. It employs a dockerized Selenium Grid which yields a far more cost-effective CI solution compared to purchasing and maintaining dedicated machines.

This project is geared toward a Node.js audience, meaning I've included npm scripts as wrappers for the docker-compose commands. Hopefully, once you've completed the initial setup, you won't have to recall any docker commands. :smiley:

Nightwatch serves as the testrunner. It is automatically provisioned in the nightwatch docker image, which you can easily customize in the included nightwatch.conf.js file.


  • a clone of this repo on your machine
  • Docker


Here's the default workflow when writing Nightwatch tests in this project:

  • bin/build && bin/start && bin/test
  • make changes to files inside the tests/ directory
  • verify changes with bin/build && bin/start && bin/test


To make your life easier, first do this:

cp docker-compose.dev.override.yml docker-compose.override.yml

Now any changes you make within this repo on your host file system will automatically show up in the nightwatch docker container. Here's your new workflow:

  • bin/build && bin/start && bin/test
  • make changes to files inside the tests/ directory
  • bin/test


Some folks have reported file permission issues with this workflow, so YMMV.

Where do I add my app?

By default this project will use a bare-bones Sinatra web app as the system under test (SUT). If you want to replace that default web app with your own, open the docker-compose.yml file, find the web service configuration, and replace mycargus/hello_docker_world:master with your app's docker image label.

For example:

  image: my-app-under-test:master

If you're not sure how to create or pull a docker image, I recommend working through the official Docker tutorial located on their website.

How do I execute the tests?

Start the Selenium hub, the SUT, and the Selenium browser nodes:

npm start

Execute the tests with Nightwatch:

npm test

When you're done, stop and remove the docker containers:

npm stop

Alternatively, if you don't want to install Node on your native machine, you may use the included bin/ scripts. For example:


I want to see the app under test. How can I do that?

If you're using the default web app provided, then open your browser and go to http://locahost:8080.

If you're using your own web app, make sure to expose a port in your web app's Dockerfile. For example, if you have EXPOSE 9887 in your web app's Dockerfile, then you can view it at http://localhost:9887.

Can I view the Selenium grid console?

Yep! After having started the Selenium hub and nodes (npm start), open a browser and go to http://localhost:4444, then click the 'console' link.

A test is failing. How do I debug it?

Start the Selenium hub, the app under test, and the Selenium debug browser nodes:

npm run start:debug



View the chrome debug node via VNC (password: secret):

open vnc://localhost:5900

View the firefox debug node via VNC (password: secret):

open vnc://localhost:5901

Next execute the Nightwatch tests against the debug nodes and watch them run in the VNC window(s):

npm run test:debug



I want to use the Nightwatch docker container outside of this project

We publish our image to Dockerhub. Here's an example of using it in a docker-compose config:

# docker-compose.yml
version: '3.7'

    image: mycargus/nightwatch:master
    command: nightwatch ui-tests/ -e chrome
      - ./:/home/docker/app/

Notice you can override the default container command with standard Nightwatch CLI commands, e.g. nightwatch ui-tests/ -e chrome.

You can see an example of this using our docker-compose.example.yml config:


My tests aren't stored in a tests/ directory. How do I specify a different one?

If you're using our mycargus/nightwatch docker image, then you have two ways to tell Nightwatch where to find your tests.

Environment Variable

You can provide a TESTS_DIRECTORY environment variable and value like so:

# docker-compose.yml
version: '3.7'

    image: mycargus/nightwatch:master
      TESTS_DIRECTORY: my_tests_directory/
      - ./:/home/docker/app/

Note you must mount your tests directory onto the container as shown above with the volumes configuration (or the docker run --volume or docker-compose run --volume CLI equivalents) in order for Nightwatch to find your custom tests directory. The container's default working directory is /home/docker/app, so as long as you mount your tests directory onto /home/docker/app, Nightwatch will be able to find them.

Nightwatch CLI

You can override the default tests directory and any TESTS_DIRECTORY value by using the Nightwatch CLI inside the container:

docker run --rm --volume="./:/home/docker/app" mycargus/nightwatch:master \
  nightwatch my_tests_directory/ -e chrome

Use docker run --rm mycargus/nightwatch:master nightwatch --help for more info.


We welcome and encourage contributions! See our Contributing doc for development instructions and more info.