
volumes possibly overwriting npm install

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I am finding that when I go through your solution, when you do npm test which runs docker-compose run --rm nightwatch npm run nightwatch it creates the docker container and part of the Dockerfile runs RUN npm install --ignore-scripts --unsafe-perm --loglevel warn. That appears to run OK but where I got tripped up is in your docker-compose.yml file. It has a section in the nightwatch container that mounts the current volume. I find this replaces/wipes out the node_modules directory that was created from the npm install command when the container was created. I am new to all of this but I could be confused but that is what I was experiencing. For now I just removed the volumes section and it is working.

nightwatch: build: . dockerfile: Dockerfile environment: NODE_ENV: test volumes: - .:/usr/src/app

Hello! I apologize for not responding sooner.

You are correct---the .:/usr/src/app volume is the culprit. Your workaround makes sense. I think when I built this project I must have ran npm install in the project repo on my native machine and then started the docker container. This would explain why my node_modules remained.

There are two solutions that I know of.

One is to add /node_modules to this project's .dockerignore file. This will exclude the /node_modules directory from the mounted .:/usr/src/app volume.

The other option is to run npm install on your native host machine, but that feels like a conflict of interest when using Docker to isolate an environment.

Does this help?