
Wunderlist 2.0 To-Do-List

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wunderlist API !!!


Data Structure

                    (NR=Not Required)


Name Constraints
id integer, primary key, auto
username string, required
password string, required, hashed
email string, NR
name string, NR


Name Constraints!
id integer, primary key, auto
name name, required
isRecurring boolean, NR
dayOfWeek integer, NR
  • umlimited number of tasks
  • tasks can be assigned an unlimited number of tags


  • error responses will have a message property!!

User Endpoints

Method URL Expected Body Response
POST /api/auth/register { username, password } { id }
POST /api/auth/login { username, password } { token }

Task Endpoints

Endpoint Purpose Expected Body Success Response Code
GET /api/tasks load a user's tasks n/a Array of a user's tasks 200
POST /api/tasks add a new task { new task } { id } of new task 201
GET /api/tasks/:id get task with id :id n/a task object 200
PUT /api/tasks/:id update a task with id :id { task changes } empty on success 204
DELETE /api/tasks/:id delete a task n/a empty on success 204


Endpoint Purpose Expected Body Success Response Code
POST /api/tasks/:id add a tag to task with id :id { tag_id } empty on success 204
DELETE /api/tasks/:task_id/:tag_id remove a tag from a task N/A empty on success 204