
A Spotify clone built by Java Open Source Group

Primary LanguageJava

Spotify Clone JOS

A Spotify clone built by Java Open Source Group

How to get involved

  1. Join our discord channel and introduce yourself to get involved!
  2. Find a task you want to work on from the project board

How to Contribute?

First off, thank you for wanting to contribute! 👍

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Make your changes on a branch, example feature/<my-cool-feature>
  3. Push your changes to your forked repo
  4. Raise a pull request!
  • Follow this guide if the above does not make sense!

How to setup Spotify Auth

In order for this to work you need to have a Spotify Applicaiton registered.

  1. Go here and register an application
  2. This will allow you to get a client id and client secret which you need to authenticate to Spotify.
  3. Replace your client id and secret id in the application.properties file.
  4. Make sure you add your Redirect URIs to http://localhost:8080/api/spotify-auth in the Spotify Dashboar also, otherwise it will not work!