## Creating a Project Site

In this activity, you will create a new GitHub repository for a webpage that tells a story, or describes or summarizes an analysis from one of your assignments or project.

### Instructions

* Create a basic webpage based on one of your homework assignments (e.g., Matplotlib, Python APIs, or advanced data storage) or your project.

* Your `index.html` file should contain the following:

    * A header for the title of the webpage.

    * A short paragraph describing the purpose of the chosen assignment or project.

    * Tables or images from the analysis along with a short description or summary of the tables or images.

* Once you have created your HTML, add, commit, and push your files to GitHub.

* To ensure that your project page is live, follow these instructions:

  * On GitHub, navigate into your repository's **Settings** tab.

  * Scroll down to the “Pages” section, and then, in the section labeled Source, select that you would like to use the main branch as your source.

  * Navigate to `_username_.github.io/_repositoryname_`, and you will find that your new webpage has gone live.

## Bonus

* Create a navigation system that links from your personal website to this new project site and vice-versa.

* Create a portfolio that can be used to show off all of the work you have done in the past.

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