
Client API for Units

Primary LanguagePHP

Client API for the Units application

Build Status

Unit service


  • getUnits(): returns all units available (UnitDTO[])
  • getUnit($id): returns a unit by its id (UnitDTO)
  • getUnitSystems(): returns all unit systems (UnitSystemDTO[])
  • getPhysicalQuantities(): returns all physical quantities (PhysicalQuantityDTO[])

Operation service


  • getConversionFactor(string $unit1, string $unit2): returns the conversion factor between unit1 and unit2

Webservice implementations

The services described above are interfaces.

The implementation provided uses the webservice provided by the MyCLabs Units application.

This implementation has the following specific behavior:

  • throws MyCLabs\UnitAPI\WebService\WebServiceException if there is an error while calling the webservice