- 0
Stringable class definition introduces class resolution ambiguity when using symfony/polyfill-php80
#176 opened by fredericgboutin-yapla - 0
Change $key from private to protected
#173 opened by Externaluse - 2
`abstract class Enum` is marked as`@psalm-immutable` which causes errors in PHPStan
#171 opened by Wirone - 2
No CI here
#152 opened by simPod - 0
#159 opened by przemyslaw-lapinski - 1
phpstan warns about undefined template T in user enum
#155 opened by adaamz - 1
Public const inside Enum class
#157 opened by enotocode - 1
Using Enum object as array key?
#150 opened by TonyGravagno - 0
Removing unnecessary psalm suppress docblock
#149 opened by Ilyes512 - 2
Clash with PHP 8.1 JsonSerializable Interface
#144 opened by MarkBaker - 6
- 0
Eloquent Model Enum Casting fails after upgrading php-enum library from 1.7.7 to 1.8
#140 opened by madhurbhaiya - 4
TooManyTemplateParams errors with recent psalm
#137 opened by lazka - 1
`__callStatic` should probably be `@psalm-pure`
#134 opened by Ocramius - 2
Outdated dependencies
#133 opened by TheDevelolper - 0
Can't get an enum value in the associative array.
#132 opened by barkin94 - 3
Build Failing due to psalm update
#130 opened by jarstelfox - 7
- 2
Add isOneOf method
#128 opened by carnage - 5
Add docs on how to deal with phpstan types
#115 opened by willemstuursma - 7
Implement Enum Interface
#92 opened by pascal-eberhard - 1
Enum could not be converted to int
#126 opened by pferreirafabricio - 1
Psalm reports static code analysis error
#124 opened by peter279k - 3
PHP Enum ignores constant scope
#120 opened by MikkelPaulson - 2
- 1
Can't access the value when calling the enum
#118 opened by dydx-git - 3
- 6
- 4
- 8
In the example "private const VIEW = 'view';" cannot be accessed via "Action::VIEW"
#91 opened by woodongwong - 3
Is there a better way of returning the enum value?
#105 opened by dingo-d - 1
Unhandled ReflectionException
#104 opened by xoinstein - 3
- 6
- 0
Add support for phpstorm
#99 opened by zmitic - 2
- 7
Drop support for unsupported PHP versions
#70 opened by shadowhand - 11
Compatibility with php-ds/ext-ds
#86 opened by jacek-foremski - 1
- 4
Nullable value for enum
#77 opened by KartaviK - 1
- 7
- 4
Implement JsonSerializable interface
#67 opened by Daanvm - 2
- 22
Constant value can be a array
#53 opened by peter-gribanov - 3
#52 opened by marcospassos - 1
Set Default
#51 opened by aftabnaveed - 2
Method equals is incorrect working
#47 opened by peter-gribanov - 4
Create enum instance by key
#42 opened by harrisnl - 7
insert phpdoc version
#38 opened by ltdeta