
Salesforce Apex library for traversing hierarchical relationship

Primary LanguageApex

Hierarchical Search

Allows working with an "hierarchical" SObject relationships (Lookup or Master-detail that references the same SObject type. EG: Account.Parent).


  • Find the "root" (AKA highest parent)
  • Find ALL children
  • Works for any SObject


git clone git@github.com:ChuckJonas/hierarchical-search.git
sfdx force:source:convert -d dist
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d dist -u your-user


Find the root of a record(s)

RootSearch r = new RootSearch(Account.getSObjectType(), Account.ParentId);
Map<Id, Id> roots = r.search(new Set<Id>{ child.Id });
System.debug('The Root of this account is ' + roots.get(child.Id));

Find the children of a record(s)

DescendantSearch r = new DescendantSearch(Account.getSObjectType(), Account.ParentId);
Map<Id, List<Id>> children = r.search(new Set<Id>{ parent.Id });
System.debug('This Account has ' + children.get(parent.Id).size() + ' children');

"Ultimate Parent"

A common use case for this type of thing is to create an "Ultimate Parent Lookup" on an Account:

  • Realtime (trigger) (TODO: Add Example)
  • near-realtime (trigger + @future) (TODO: Add Example)
  • Scheduled Batch Job

Depending on your requirements, you might use a combination of these approaches.


This code has been optimized to limit the number of SOQL queries and is capable of traversing "deep" trees. It for a depth of N, it should return in CEIL(N/6) SOQL queries.
