
llm_multiagent_debate for open-source huggingface LLM

Primary LanguagePython

Open-source LLM Multiagent Debate

This repository is the implementation of Improving Factuality and Reasoning in Language Models through Multiagent Debate based on Huggingface open-source LLM models.

Some code and prompts are borrowed from original paper released code and LLM Agora. You may see some additional debate logs from original release here.


✅ Math huggingface open-source LLM debate.
✅ GSM8K huggingface open-source LLM debate.
❌ MMLU huggingface open-source LLM debate.
❌ Biography huggingface open-source LLM debate.

Reproduce Math Results on Mistral_7b_instruct_v0.2

Running experiments

The code for running arithmetic, GSM, biographies, and MMLU tasks may be found in the following subfolders

  • ./math/ contains code for running math
  • ./gsm/ contains code for running gsm
  • ./biography/ contains code for running biographies
  • ./mmlu/ contains code for running mmlu results.


To generate and evaluated answer for Math problems through multiagent debate, cd into the math directory:

  • run on local model:
python gen_math.py \
    --agents 3 \
    --rounds 2 \
    --model_id "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" \
    --split "[/INST]" \
    --role "assistant" \
    --output_dir "output" \
    --summarize \

--summarize will enable summarization throughout debate mentioned in the paper.

--sys will append system message before the message for models capable of system message.

--model_id is the model dir in huggingface hub.

--split is the special token used to split question and response in multi-round chat model.

--role is the role of message for multi-round chat model.

  • run using huggingface API:
python gen_math.py \
    --agents 3 \
    --rounds 2 \
    --model_id "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" \
    --split "[/INST]" \
    --role "assistant" \
    --output_dir "output" \
    --summarize \
    --sys \
    --api \
    --token "dhqieiq"

--api will let the program to fetch responses from huggingface API.

--token input your huggingface token here.

Grade School Math:

To generate answers for Grade School Math problems through multiagent debate, cd into the gsm directory:

  • run on local model:
python gen_gsm.py \
    --agents 3 \
    --rounds 2 \
    --model_id "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" \
    --split "[/INST]" \
    --role "assistant" \
    --output_dir "output" \
    --summarize \

--summarize will enable summarization throughout debate mentioned in the paper.

--sys will append system message before the message for models capable of system message.

--model_id is the model dir in huggingface hub.

--split is the special token used to split question and response in multi-round chat model.

--role is the role of message for multi-round chat model.

  • run using huggingface API:
python gen_gsm.py \
    --agents 3 \
    --rounds 2 \
    --model_id "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" \
    --split "[/INST]" \
    --role "assistant" \
    --output_dir "output" \
    --summarize \
    --sys \
    --api \
    --token "dhqieiq"

--api will let the program to fetch responses from huggingface API.

--token input your huggingface token here.

To evaluate the generated results of Grade School Math problems:

python eval_gsm.py --path 'gsm_3_2.json'

--path is the saved json response file path from gen_gsm.py

You can download the GSM dataset here


To generate answers for Biography problems through multiagent debate, cd into the biography directory and run: python gen_conversation.py

To evaluate the generated results for Biography problems: python eval_conversation.py


To generate answers for MMLU through multiagent debate, cd into the MMLU directory and run: python gen_mmlu.py

To evaluate the generated results of MMLU: python eval_mmlu.py

You can download the MMLU dataset here