
Twitter book club on the theme of critical algorithm studies

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Critical Algorithm Studies

Twitter book club on the theme of critical algorithm studies

Twitter @algorithm_club

Reading list: http://socialmediacollective.org/reading-lists/critical-algorithm-studies/

The first thing you should read when joining @algorithm_club is the Code of Conduct

Schedule - Upcoming events:

###Past events:

  • December 18th, 2015: Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters
  • 17.00 GMT/London, 12.00 EST/New York, 09.00 PST/Portland (sorry west coast)
  • Shaping the Web by Lucas D. Introna and Helen Nissenbaum

* November 23rd, 2015: The Relevance of Algorithms * 17.00 GMT/London, 12.00 EST/New York, 09.00 PST/Portland (sorry west coast) * The Relvance of Algorithms by Tarleton Gillespie