

Primary LanguagePHP

Welcome to Kanto !

Ready to be the best trainer ?

$ash = new Trainer('Ash');

Here is your first pokemon, take care of him ! And take this Potion, it might be useful.

$ash->capture(new Pikachu(5));
$ash->take(new Potion);

Oh ! A wild Rattata appeared ! Go Pikachu !

$rattata = new Rattata(2);

$pikachu = $ash->go('Pikachu');
$pikachu->attack('ThunderShock', $rattata);

Beware, he counter-attacks !

$rattata->attack('Tackle', $pikachu);

I'll heal you with this Potion, then finish him !

$ash->give('Potion', $pikachu);
$pikachu->attack('ThunderShock', $rattata);

Yes, you won ! Time to move on.

if($xp = $rattata->ko()) {

Look, a stone on the ground ! We can use it to make you evolve.

$ash->take(new ThunderStone);
$raichu = $ash->give('ThunderStone', $pikachu);
