
switch numlock capslock and scrolllock on/off for windows

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switch numlock capslock and scrolllock on/off for windows


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File name

  • file name contains num such as numlock affects Num Lock status
  • file name contains caps or capital such as capslock affects Caps Lock status
  • file name contains scrl or scroll such as scroll-lock affects Scroll Lock status


  • run directly without any argument (for example simply double-click it) toggles status affected by file name on
  • run with any argument toggles status affected by file name off


  • change file name to numlock.exe and double-click it turns Num Lock on
  • change file name to numlock.exe and run it as numlock 1 in a shell turns Num Lock off
  • change file name to capslock.exe and double-click it turns Caps Lock on


Releases are built with tcc using tcc numlock.c, it can also be built with other compliers such as gcc.