
A basic maven project from console commands

Primary LanguageJava

A basic maven project created through console command

How to compile the program?

The path should be the folder my-app where pom.xml is present and run with command

mvn compile

a target folder will be created and in \my-app\target\classes\com\mycompany\app you will find the .class file

How to compile test source?

The path should be the folder my-app where pom.xml is present and run with command

mvn test

How to create a jar file?

The path should be the folder my-app where pom.xml is present and run with command

mvn package

How to run the program?

The path should be the folder my-app where pom.xml is present and run with command

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Now go to EclipseJEE IDE

Go to Window - Perspective - Open Perspective - Other - Git

Go to file import then go to Maven and select Existing Maven Projects

After the project is imported in EclipseJEE go to my-app project in Git Repositories Perspective

then go to folder Working Tree and then go to

src - main - java - com - mycompany- app

and select App.java and then run.