
A tool to automatically modify Azurlane scripts and generate several modified scripts, a.k.a modded scripts to obtain unfair gameplay.

Primary LanguageC#


A tool to automatically modify Azurlane scripts and generate several modified scripts, a.k.a modded scripts to obtain unfair gameplay.


You can grab the binary from the releases page, also take a look at Azurlane-LuaHelper if you want to do it manually.


  1. Python 3.0 or newer
  2. NET Framework 3.5 or newer

Usage and Examples

Open Azurlane.exe and select Azurlane AssetBundle file named scripts, or by command Azurlane.exe <path-to-scripts>

You can obtain Azurlane AssetBundle file named scripts from:

  • Japan: Android/data/com.YoStarJP.AzurLane/files/AssetBundles
  • China (bilibili): Android/data/com.bilibili.azurlane/files/AssetBundles
  • Korean: Android/data/com.txwy.and.blhx/files/AssetBundles


$ azurlane scripts-jp
[+] Copying AssetBundle to temp workspace...<done>
[+] Decrypting and Unpacking AssetBundle...<done>
[+] Decrypting and Decompiling Lua...1/3...2/3...3/3...<done>
[+] Cloning Lua and AssetBundle...1/6...2/6...3/6...4/6...5/6...6/6...<done>
[+] Rewriting Lua...1/6...2/6...3/6...4/6...5/6...6/6...<done>
[+] Recompiling and Encypting Lua...1/6...2/6...3/6...4/6...5/6...6/6...<done>
[+] Repacking and Encrypting AssetBundle...1/6...2/6...3/6...4/6...5/6...6/6...<done>
[+] Copying all modified AssetBundle to original location...1/6...2/6...3/6...4/6...5/6...6/6...<done>
[+] Cleaning...

Everything is ok, we're done.
Press any key to exit.