== Dependencies - git >= 1.6 - ruby >= 1.8.7 <1.9 - rubygems >= 1.3.7 - mongodb >= 1.6 - ruby on rails =2.3.10 == Install Ruby On Rails sudo gem install -v=2.3.10 rails == Getting Started 1. Download the sources: git clone git://gitorious.org/shapado/shapado.git cd shapado/ 2. Configure the application cp config/shapado.sample.yml config/shapado.yml cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml edit shapado.yml 3. Install dependencies rake gems:install 4. Download GeoIP data script/update_geoip 5. Load default data rake bootstrap RAILS_ENV=development 6. Add default subdomain to /etc/hosts, for example: " localhost.lan group1.localhost.lan group2.localhost.lan" 7. Start the server script/server -e development Follow us on: * http://twitter.com/shapado * http://identi.ca/shapado * http://blog.ricodigo.com/shapado Talk to us at: * irc://irc.freenode.org/shapado * http://shapado.com/chat * contact \aT/ shapado d0t com Report bugs at http://shapado.com and use the tags "bug" or "feature-request" Happy hacking!