

Requirements are

  • .NET Core 2.x
  • NodeJS(>=8)

To download .NET Core, grab the runtime

Mac - Windows -

Install and confirm you have access to it globally by running dotnet --version You shoudl be running 2.1 or greater.

As long as Node is installed as well, you shoudl be good to roll.

CD into the project folder and run dotnet run which will start the Kestel web server and automatically open the site in your browser.

The site is available at at localhost:3000 through BrowserSync which is proxying the .NET Core app from https://localhost:5001. Instructions on how to tweak these ports coming soon.

Styles are located at ~/assets/sass/ and updates to them will be automatically be injected via WebPack. Changes to any Razor(.cshtml) files will trigger a browser refresh through BrowerSync. This will result in far fewer manual browser refreshing.