
Having had a restless nights sleep, you’ve woken up in a daze and have found yourself in Westeros. Confused, the sun is just beginning to rise and yet in the distance, you can hear crowds jeering, roaring battle cries and a stampede of horses charging into what seems like a long-awaited battle. Suddenly, you realise what’s happening. The time has finally come. The Seven Kingdoms are at war and with one common goal; to defeat the White Walkers and the dreaded Night King who leads them. At this point, sides do not matter and you know what you need to do. Your mission? To calculate the chances of the Seven Kingdoms defeating the White Walkers, sending them back beyond the wall and to sleep beneath the ice once more.

Primary LanguagePython

The Great War

The great war is based on the tv series "Game of Thrones". It is a Python program that calculates the possible outcomes of the inevitable battle between the living and the dead. The program runs by taking into account the number of Dragons and White lords, meanwhile the number of the living infantry as been set by default to 5000 and that of the walkers to 10000. This program returns the name of the winner and the number of rounds it took to attain victory.


import main
solution = main.Solution()
solution.run("Seven Kingdom Army", 4, 1) # returns 'White Walker Army|6'
solution.run("Seven Kingdom Army", 10, 5) # returns 'Seven Kingdom Army|5'

Project status

Project development has stopped completely


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.