
From year to year all the students from Faculty of Geography do the same task: find and place into printed map some geographical features. Let's make it more advanced.


From year to year all the students from Faculty of Geography do the same task: find and place into printed map some geographical features. Let's make it more advanced.

Overpass() query should consist following features:

затока - natural=bay
мис - natural=cape

Гірська місцевість

вершина - natural=peak
вулкан - natural=volcano
хребет - natural=ridge

Рівнинна місцевість

рівнина - natural=valley

Water Objects

linear rivers - waterway=river
areal rivers - [natural=water] + [water=river]
for combining river objects use relation=waterway
lakes - [natural=water] + [water=lake]

desert - natural=desert - in discussion
plateau - [natural=landform] + [landform=plateau]- in discussion