
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



Cheatsheet.el is a tool for creating your own Emacs cheatsheet. Why I've created this plugin:

  • I want to start using new plugin without learning keys - cheatsheet.el lets you to define keys you want to be able to find quickly
  • I don't need to see all keys, defined in different keymaps
  • I don't need to see all keys, defined in any plugin
  • I want to write my own key description
  • I want to see commands near the keys in my cheatsheet

All this problems can be solved using cheatsheet.el

Getting started

  • Get cheatsheet.el
  • Load package - (require 'cheatsheet)
  • Add your first cheat:
(cheatsheet-add :group 'Common
                :key "C-x C-c"
                :description "leave Emacs.")
  • Run (cheatsheet-show) and enjoy :-)

Plugin API


Command to add a new cheat to your cheatsheet.

(cheatsheet-add :group 'Common
                :key "C-x C-c"
                :description "leave Emacs.")


Command to add cheats to the same group.

(cheatsheet-add-group 'Common
                      '(:key "C-x C-c" :description "leave Emacs")
                      '(:key "C-x C-f" :description "find file"))


Command to get current cheatsheet as list of groups, keeping defining order.

  • Cheat is a plist that looks like this [:group :key :description]. :group, :key, :description are symbols or strings
  • Group is a plist that looks like this [:name :cheats]. :name is a symbol or string, :cheats is a list of CHEATs
  • Cheatsheet is a list of GROUPs - result of cheatsheet-get command


Show buffer with your cheatsheet. Can be closed via C-q key.

Enjoy using cheatsheet.el

P.S. Thanks @rmuslimov for code review and elisp help!