
A fool's scriptum on functional programming

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A no-frills functional programming course based on the Javascript scriptum library.

  • 1st part is untyped
  • 2nd part is typed with [yet to be determined]

You do not need a math or PLT background to follow this course.


Individual chapters of this course evolve evolutionary as my experience grows and will be revised regularly. The scriptum library is still experimental.

Table of Contents

Part I (untyped)

  1. Functional Jargon and Programming Experience
  2. Handling State in Functional Programming
  3. Currying, Composition and Point-free Style
  4. Algebraic Structures, Properties and Lambda Abstractions
  5. Data Modeling with Algebraic Data Types (ADTs)
  6. Lazy Evaluation on Demand
  7. Linear Data Flow and Flat Composition Syntax
  8. From Recursion to Corecursion
  9. Trading Stack for Heap with Trampolines
  10. Loop Fusion and Data Source Abstraction with Transducers
  11. Immutability in Languages w/o Purely Functional Data Types
  12. Basics on Type/Kind Systems and Polymorphism
  13. Type class polymorphism through dictionary passing style
  14. Lifting Pure Functions using Functor
  15. Accumulating, Aggregating and Picking with Monoid
  16. Combining Effects with Pure Functions using Applicative
  17. Combining Effects with Actions using Monad
  18. Pending: Composing Different Effects with Monad Transformers (▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░ 50% done)
  19. Planned: The Main Function - Impure Edge of Your Porgram (░░░░░░░░░░ 0% done)
  20. Respecting the Structure with Natural Transformations [needs editing]

Part II (typed)

to be continued...


scriptum is the attempt to get as close as possible to the functional paradigm using a multi paradigm language that many developer are familiar with. The main goal is to be language agnostic so that you can transfer the acquired knowledge to your preferred language.

As it turns out all we need to get there...

  • are first class functions
  • is a mechanism to allow expressions to be in weak head normal form

It is remarkable how many purely functional idioms we can express with only these two requirements at hand.


Please report an issue if you run across a mistake, ambiguous wording or inconsistent statement in the course. Please let me also know if there is an important subject missing in the chapter pipeline. Your help is much appreciated!


  • Planned: Managing Time-Varying Values in a Functional Fashion
  • Planned: All About Continuations (Transformation, Delimited, etc.)
  • Planned: Generalizing Folds and Unfolds with Recursion Schemes
  • Planned: Functorial Loop Fusion with Co-/Yoneda
  • Planned: Extracing values with Comonad
  • Planned: Mastering Tree Data Structures
  • Planned: Streams: Push/Pull, In-/Finite, Uni-/Multicast, Sync/Async
  • Planned: Multi-Parameter Type Classes and Functional Dependencies
  • Planned: List-Comprehension and its extension for other data types
  • Planned: Defunctionalization Transformation?
  • Planned: From Sharing to Memoization
  • Planned: Functional Encoded State Machines
  • Planned: Functional Error Handling and Debugging
  • Planned: From Unit to Property-based Testing
  • Planned: Random Access, Single Linked and Difference Lists
  • Planned: Functional Iso (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Lenses (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Prism (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Optional (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Traversals (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Getters (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Setters (Optics)
  • Planned: Functional Folds (Optics)
  • Planned: Extensible Effects with Free Monads (Classic, Codensity, CPS, Reflection)
  • Planned: Extensible Effects with Freer Monads
  • Planned: Algebraic Effects and Handlers (CPS, Exception/State)
  • Planned: Tagless Final Encoding
  • Planned: Effect Handling/Composition with the Continuation Monad
  • Planned: Functional Architectures
  • Planned: Type-Directed Programming
  • Planned: When FP does not save us
  • Planned: Incremental computing
  • Planned: Functional Reactive Programming
  • Planned: Event Sourcing and Stores
  • Planned: Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Alt<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Alternative<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Applicative<F>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Apply<F>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Behavior<A, E>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Bifunctor<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Bounded<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Category<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Chain<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Clonable<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Comonad<W>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Contravariant<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Distributive<F>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Enum<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Extend<W>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Foldable<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Functor<F>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Filterable<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Functor<F>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Group<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Ix<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: IxMonad<M>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Monad<M>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Monoid<M>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Observable<A, E>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Ord<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Partial<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Plus<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Profunctor<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Representable<F>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Semigroup<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Semigroupoid<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Serializable<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Setoid<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Traversable<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Unfoldable<T>
  • Planned: Common Type Class: Unserializable<T>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: All
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Any
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Comparator
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Compare<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Compose<F, G, A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Const<A, B>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Cont<K>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Contrvaraint<F>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Effect<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Either<A, B>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Endo<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Equiv<F>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: First<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Id<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Invariant<F>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Last<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Lazy<F>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: List<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Max<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Min<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Option<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Pair<A, B>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Parallel<F>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Pred<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Product<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Record<R>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Ref<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: ST<S, A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Stream<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Sum<A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Task<F>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: These<A, B>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Triple<A, B, C>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: Validate<E, A>
  • Planned: Common Functional Type: ValueObj<K, V>