The official project website for Datasette.
The site is itself a customized installation of Datasette, using custom templates and plugins to implement the site's functionality.
Take a look at .github/workflows/deploy.yml to see how the site is built and deployed to Google Cloud Run using GitHub Actions.
More background:
-, an official project website for Datasette
- Building a search engine for
- The Baked Data architectural pattern
Check out this repository, create a virtual environment and run pip install -r requirements.txt
for the dependencies.
If you don't want to build the database files from scratch, run this to download them:
To build the database files used by the site you will first need to set an environment variable containing a GitHub personal access token. You can create a token at - then set it as the GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable like so:
export GITHUB_TOKEN="token-here"
Now you can build the databases like this:
Then to run the tests (which check that certain pages do not return errors):
To see the site in your browser:
datasette .
This will run a server at http://localhost:8001/