
Save data from RescueTime to a SQLite database

Primary LanguagePython


Save data from RescueTime to a SQLite database


foo@bar:~$ pip install -e git+https://github.com/myles/rescuetime-to-sqlite.git#egg=rescuetime-to-sqlite


First you will need to create an application at Micro.blog.

foo@bar:~$ poetry run rescuetime-to-sqlite auth
Create a new API key here: https://www.rescuetime.com/anapi/manage
Paste the API key in the following:

Key: xxx

Retrieving RescueTime analytic data

The analytic-data command will retrieve all the analytic data from RescueTime.

foo@bar:~$ rescuetime-to-sqlite analytic-data rescuetime.db

Retrieving RescueTime daily summary feed

The daily-summary-feed command will retrieve all the daily summary feed from RescueTime.

foo@bar:~$ rescuetime-to-sqlite daily-summary-feed rescuetime.db