
This simple project demonstrates an issue with the OpenTelemetry Lambda layer for Python-based Lambda functions. Specifically, this issue exists in version 1.14.0. The corresponding layer ARN is:

  • arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:901920570463:layer:aws-otel-python-amd64-ver-1-14-0:1

Issue Details

Lambda function handlers can be specified in at least the two following ways for Python functions:

  • package1.package2.module.handler
  • package1/package2/module.handler

Either of these forms is valid and executes module.handler as expected when the function is invoked. However, the OpenTelemetry Lambda layer does not properly handle the second form. If it is enabled, invocation results in the following error response when slash-based paths are used:

  "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'otel_wrapper': No module named 'package1/package2/module'",
  "errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError",
  "requestId": "b8fefc59-1377-4cf3-aec6-ba7ea8cdfa84",
  "stackTrace": []

The otel_wrapper.py script handles both forms by modifying the ORIG_HANDLER path (see here), but AwsLambdaInstrumentor().instrument() does not and instrumenting the function fails with the error above.

I believe the error originates within the call to wrapt.wrap_function_wrapper here when patching occurs because the slash-based path format is not a valid Python import path.

Reproducing the Issue

This repository contains some simple source code and CloudFormation templates to reproduce the issue. To reproduce the issue, you'll just need to deploy the stack and invoke the functions it creates.

There are four functions which will be created:

  • SlashPathWithLayerBroken <-- BROKEN
  • SlashPathNoLayerWorks
  • DotPathNoLayerWorks
  • DotPathWithLayerWorks

Deploying the Stack

Just run the following commands (replacing text in <> with your own values):

aws cloudformation package --template-file stack.yaml --s3-bucket <your-bucket> --profile <your-profile> > deploy-template.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --region us-east-1 --template-file deploy-template.yaml --stack-name otel-issue-demo --profile personal --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM


If you deploy in a region other than us-east-1, you'll also need to specify the OpenTelemetryLayer parameter with the same region specified in the layer ARN.

Resolving the Issue

Possible resolutions and workarounds are described below.


This issue can easily be worked around by specifying the handler location using dot-based paths. Nothing about project structure needs to change.

Modify ORIG_HANDLER in otel_wrapper.py

Modifying the ORIG_HANDLER environment variable within otel_wrapper.py before instrumentation occurs by replacing it with the modified path that is computed for use within itself resolves the issue.

While this works, it does mutate the ORIG_HANDLER variable in a way which makes it no longer truly the original handler path. Side effects outside of the intended scope are definitely possible, but it might also help prevent similar issues sharing ths root cause.

This is the fix I implemented when debugging this issue. It does work and requires only minimal modifications.

Modify AwsLambdaInstrumentor.instrument

The AwsLambdaInstrumentor.instrument method could be modified to locally compute the path to the ORIG_HANDLER as otel_wrapper.py does (i.e., by replacing / with .). This would ensure that the path is valid for import, preventing the error.

This fix duplicates the path modification logic, but it reduces the potential of unexpected side effects by keeping the scope small and targeted.