
Move Trello cards with commit messages.

Primary LanguageRuby

#Trello-github Documentation

Code Climate Build Status Coverage Status


bundle exec guard

This will start guard watching and running the tests on change.


  • rake - Runs all of the tests.
  • rake build - Runs a subset of build tests, as specified in the Rakefile.
  • rake quality - Analysis of code quality with Rubocop.


  • clone this repository
  • edit the config.yml file to support your repo, board and actions
  • create a heroku application
  • get your client key and secret
  • use the key to create a token for write privileges
  • set the two environment variables to your trello credentials https://trello.com/docs/gettingstarted/index.html#getting-an-application-key
  • commit and push to your heroku app
  • add a post hook to git hub


"Update docs to close 2."