
Template project to build websites with Django, React and Bootstrap

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Indiehacker Boilerplate


Django project template with many useful libraries and integrations included:

  • Django with sqlite database at backend
  • Customized django_allauth app for login/signup flows. Optionally protect login/signup forms with Google ReCAPTCHA
  • React, Bootstrap (optionally Tailwind CSS) at frontend
  • NodeJS and Vite to build frontend and serve it on development
  • WhiteNoise for cache serving (optionally via Nginx on production)
  • Ansible deploy scripts to any server over SSH
    • gunicorn
    • nginx
    • SQLite DB
  • Simple create order application with PayPal payment button integration
  • Several useful Python and JS utils
  • Docker Compose setup with Dockerfiles for local development inside containers
  • Emacs docker integration files
  • Vagratfile to run VM if needed (for testing deployment, etc)
  • Utilities

After bootsrtapping a project it creates a default core application with homepage containing dummy React component with PayPal pay now button and backend API to handle payment

This is a starting point I use to develop my own projects. Completely opinionated. I use such setup for many years and used to it. It works great for running my projects as a solo developer. This will evolve with time.


Feel free to start a PR, I'm open to any new technology and if it works better then my current setup I would easily adopt it.

Project Bootstrap

  • Make sure you have Python >= 3.10 installed
  • Install Django with pip install django, to have the django-admin command available.
  • Open the command line and go to the directory you want to start your project in.
  • Start your project in current directory using (theprojectname can only contain alphanumeric chars and underscore):
    django-admin startproject theprojectname . --extension=py,sh --name=package.json,Dockerfile,hosts.inv,web.yml,docker-compose.yml,.env,Vagrantfile,.dir-locals.el --template=https://github.com/mylh/indiehacker-boilerplate/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

In the next steps, always remember to replace theprojectname with your project's name

  • Above: don't forget the --extension and --name params!
  • Change the first line of README to the name of the project and update the rest of the file as needed
  • If you use Emacs and docker: start emacs using start_emacs.sh script. It sets up ENV variables that are used to run emacs integration scripts inside docker containers. If you don't want to run containers make sure to delete .dir-locals.el file.


Configuring local

  • Adjust settings in web/backend/theprojectname/settings/base.py and web/backend/theprojectname/settings/local.py and secrets in web/backend/.env these are used in local development with docker
  • start development container with docker compose up and apply migrations by running docker compose exec -it web python manage.py migrate
  • create django admin superuser docker compose exec -it web python manage.py createsuperuser
  • go to http://localhost:8000 and check that website is loading

Starting Docker environment

Then start docker containers with

docker compose up

Deploying to Production

  • Go to ansible directory and update hosts.inv with IP address and access credentials to your web server
  • Configure vars in ansible/web.yml
  • Add entry for theprojectname-web host in ~/.ssh/config
  • set PROJECT_DOMAIN in wev/backend/theprojectname/settings/production and in ansible/web.yml
  • copy app.env.example into app.env and update values as necessary

Run for full deployment including installation and configuration of all necessary services such as nginx, gunicorn, etc:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.inv web.yml

Code is deployed from local working copy of the repo. There is an option to deploy from Git. Configure variables in web.yml, see ansible/deploy_django/defaults/main.yml for details.

Ansible Variables

Following variables can be defined in web.yml that controls playbook behavior:

  • domain - make sure to set it to correct domain before deploying, also update it in settings/base.py
  • purge_before_install default False - deletes everything if any from targed directory at web server
  • clear_venv default False - clears target venv before installation
  • app_user default user. User to be created and used to run website at the webserver
  • deploy_from_local default True - code is deployed from local working copy
  • deploy_from_git default False - deploy from Git repository that needs to be additionally configured
  • install_path on server
  • install_ssl default False if you need to use your own SSL certificate with nginx, put ssl cerificates into local /project_dir/ssl directory
  • nginx_basic_auth default False - you can restrict access to deployed website, update user and password in ansible/deploy_django/files/.htaccess file, default are appuser:apppassword
  • nginx_serve_static and nginx_serve_media default False. Set to serve assets via nginx instead of whitenoise
  • install_geoip default False if you need to install MaxMind GeoIP database
  • apt_install: list of addtional packages to be installed with apt, default: redis-server
  • install_cronjobs: default False. Change to true and modify necessary cronjobs in ansible/deploy_django/tasks/cronjobs.yml


Some tags are available to speed up deployment. To make reconfiguration of existing installation

ansible-playbook -i hosts.inv web.yml -t config

Quick update when only source code changed:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.inv web.yml -t deploy

Testing deployment with Vagrant

Run in project dir:

vagrant up

Configure local ssh access by running

vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config

Uncomment vagrant host in ansible/hosts.inv


Automatically convert input image into set of popular web-development icons sizes, produces output files as logo_256x256.png, etc

./convert_icons.sh logo.png