
Extract Reddit user data

Primary LanguagePython


This aspires to be home to a couple OSINT tools about Reddit users.

The commands produce CSV files in the current directory.

The CSV file uses ~#~ as the delimiter. Don't hate me! It had to be really unique, comments and posts are free text!.
If you plan to open the file in LibreOffice, make sure to set the delimiter and check the Merge delimiters option.


Extract the comments of a Reddit user.


comments.py -u spez

There is a header line in the CSV file, but let me note the extracted fields:

  • comment_id
  • post_id
  • post_title
  • subreddit
  • date_created
  • body


Extract the posts of a Reddit user.


posts.py -u spez

There is a header line in the CSV file, but you can take a glimpse here too:

  • id
  • title
  • subreddit
  • flair
  • date_created
  • url
  • body

Command options

Both commands accept the following options:

-u, --usernames        the user(s) to extract the data.
                       separate with commas for multiple values.
-f, --usernames-file   a file that contains the user(s) to extract the data.
                       each value has to be in a new line.
-s, --sub-filter       filter user's data to specific subreddits (optional).
                       separate with commas for multiple values.
-p, --page-limit       number of pages to examine (optional).
                       for comments, it's 25 comments per page, so setting this to 1 will extact the last 25 comments.
                       for posts, it will look-up the first X pages of data for posts.
-d, --dump             dump to standard output (optional).
-h, --help             show the help message and exit.