
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vibe - an open-source, web-based music platform, catered to your vibes

Vibe is a non-commercial, social music platform with an emphasis on finding music suited to your 'vibe'.
From rock, to jazz, to pop and everything around and in-between, Vibe will help you create your perfect playlist.
(This was more fun to write than "Spotify-inspired, express-based music player app".)

Latest Public Release

Vibe can be found here! Come, and take a look!
No installation necessary. Tested on Google Chrome v. 81.0.4044

Splash Page


  • Vibe works off of one server to handle displays, authentication and relations between profiles

  • Vibe uses bcrypt's hashing functions to obscure and store user passwords, ensuring user security.

  • We utilize JWTs and cookies to ensure user privacy. No longer will anybody see how many times you've played "Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer".

Coding highlights

Regex-Based Song Search

const regExMaker = (value, word) => {
    const pattern = word
        .split(' ')
        .map((letter) => {
            return `(?=.*${word})`;
        .join(' ');

    const reg = new RegExp(`${pattern}`, 'g');
    return value.match(reg);


We ran into a few major and minor problems to overcome, including:

  • We encountered a bug implementing searches due to function ordering. The stored values were declared outside of the async callback to the route and caused the values not to reset.

  • We had some troubles keeping out HTTP calls down for each page while keeping our application organized. We used pug's string interpolation feature to dynamically call scripts/css files as they were needed for each page.

  • We realized that the final product wasn't working on iOS, but that the issues were the link being HTTP instead of HTTPS, and made compatibility changes in the css for iOS devices.

  • Due to Heroku's slow speed we added a loading screen and a cursor change to indicate that the app is working.

  • We had to learn quickly to keep our commits small and frequent, or one branch would end up far behind the others.

  • We had to decide between using an API to stream music and using locally stored music files. We decided on the latter so that we could customize our player.

  • Issues with require auth being called on the wrong routes were fixed through rearranging our router mounts so that the javascript didn't run into an auth requirement before hitting the route that was meant to be called. Order of operations matters.

  • Not really a bug, but discovering range inputs made creating volume and progress bars vastly easier.

Database Structure

data schema


  • Backend Lead: Geoffrey Otieno (gootieno)
  • UX/UI Lead: Mylo James (mylo-james)
  • Team Lead: Emily Burnham (Aderyn1121)

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