NETCore encrypt and decrypt tool,Include aes,des,rsa,md5,sha1,sha256,sha384,sha512
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#65 opened by SunTingli - 1
请问会支持 sm系列加密解密验签等操作吗
#64 opened by XyJoinIt - 0
#63 opened by wenyongda - 1
Encryption Key Chars
#62 opened by co-dax - 1
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Is NETCore.Encrypt in a Blazor Webassembly Client .Net 7.0 project working?
#61 opened by ragininternet - 5
EncryptProvider.RSAFromPublicPkcs 方法报错
#57 opened by alvinhao666 - 1
MD5 Decryption
#56 opened by mendozaarjay - 2
Exception messages need to be in english
#48 opened by LosWochos76 - 2
Problems with AES
#49 opened by Reivaj810 - 1
#52 opened by ZHHHHH - 1
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希望添加 Exponent和Modulus 加密方式的支持
#47 opened by LiQing-Code - 3
CreateAesKey returning repeated Keys
#44 opened by doowruc - 3
Issue when using AESDecrypt
#23 opened by camerontbelt - 5
Decrypt Filestream does not working
#15 opened by unfug - 1
.NET Core 3.1 Version
#43 opened by tjdavis1111 - 2
x509 certificate and RSA.
#42 opened by mochajoe2021 - 1
Cannot figure out how to decrypt RSA :S
#41 opened by Doctuh - 2
Encryprion and whitespace
#40 opened by BlagaVladinova - 1
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How to RSADecrypt in PHP?
#33 opened by dev-ptdi - 1
Why rsaKey.PublicKey == rsaKey.PrivateKey
#34 opened by dev-ptdi - 1
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Add support for Rijndael 256
#29 opened - 1
aes和des key只能支持限定长度
#30 opened by 280780363 - 1
No Support for .NetFramework Version 4.5
#31 opened by rg0815 - 2
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Bug & missing feature
#25 opened by MichaelYuAlreadyExists - 5
Why choose Random over CryptoRandom?
#12 opened by LostSoulfly - 2
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Encrypt/Decrypt Problem with RSA
#7 opened by catcherwong